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Making Progress with Binders


Senior Member
12 Years of Lyme/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and tried most treatments for them. Tried cholestraymine, a mold toxin/neurotoxin binder and felt better but then got worse, and not in a herxheimer way. Read an article about needing to bind positively charged and negatively charged neurotoxins, and that doing one without the other can cause an intense increase in symptoms. Neurotoxins from lyme disease, fungus, and mold can suppress the immune system and reduce hormone levels, blocking recovery.

Added in glucomannan and virgin activated charcoal, food grade, as additional binders for a week before retrying my left over Cholestraymine. Two days in of these two new binders, and I pooped out about a two or 3 foot string of fungus, some of it in pieces. Kind of scary and gross but felt much better afterwards. Added some epsom salts as a laxative to help push out the stuff that's coming out faster. Now I'm adding in one packet of cholestraymine a day, you are supposed to take 4 a day, but I'm slowly working up to the higher dose and need to make a new doctor's appointment to get a refill for later.

Will add more when I get some sleep.



Senior Member
does cholestyramine bind to positive or negative neurotoxins? same question for glucomannan and charcoal

have you tried pectin? so you know if it binds to positive or negative neurotoxins?

have you heard that binders can deplete minerals? did you do anything to break down bio-films?

Speaking of microbiomes, I'm using L Sakei for sinusitis... It had an immediate, positive effect, but we'll see.. Also, I've had a terrible sore throat all summer, which has recently improved but plateaued.. I gargled w an L Sakei/Water combo and I have no pain for the first time in 2.5 months! the Lacto Bacto blog has details if you're interested.


Senior Member
does cholestyramine bind to positive or negative neurotoxins? same question for glucomannan and charcoal

I'm not sure what binds positive or negative neurotoxins and some of them may bind both, then there is the issue of which species of mold/fungus does the binder cover, broad spectrum or specific to a few. Shoemaker's protocol states that Choletryamine is the best binder he has run into, with Welchol being the 2nd best, so I looked to cover my bases with the other binders.

Pectin sound familiar, but havent tried it lately. I take vitamins so not concerned about mineral loss. Fasting and EDTA help destroy biofilms and I do both ocassionally.

I was going to talk about sinuses. I snorted some xylitol (biofilm destroyer) mixed in with distilled water, 3x a day for a week, and felt long term improvement in my long term sinus pain. Also did the Graston technique (metal bar pushed over scar tissue) over my sinuses to let things drain better. Now I'm snorting some Glucomannan in distilled water after seeing what it did to intestinal fungus, although it couldve bee the charcoal or combo that did it.


Senior Member
I was going to talk about sinuses. I snorted some xylitol (biofilm destroyer) mixed in with distilled water, 3x a day for a week, and felt long term improvement in my long term sinus pain. Also did the Graston technique (metal bar pushed over scar tissue) over my sinuses to let things drain better. Now I'm snorting some Glucomannan in distilled water after seeing what it did to intestinal fungus, although it couldve bee the charcoal or combo that did it.

If you're ever interesting in going the L Sakei route, here's the info:

l sakei sinus protocol info

research results from Dr Lynch/UCSF (microbiome researcher) incl l sakei


Senior Member