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Making Petitions go further

Keela Too

Sally Burch
What things have you done to help get petitions moving? Please share ideas here.

I wrote a blog post and I suggested the following tactics:
  • If you share a petition online, add your own short comment because people respond better to individual stories.
  • If you happen to know any celebrities (or even just some-one with a huge media following) then encourage them to share your post too.
  • When you share a petition consider making your comment public, so that even people you don't know can hear your story.
  • Share that important petition more than once, because most of us don't sign the first time we see a petition.
  • Think about places beyond ME circles, where people might sign if you asked them.

I could probably add more... like putting the links in a signature line on forums. ;)

So what else ?
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Keela Too

Sally Burch
I've just added a comment to several of the FB posts sharing the petitions - which both bumps the petition up the page and adds some excitement... I hope:

"Almost 1000 signatures on UK gov petition already! ie less than 24 hours in! Let's keep these two petitions moving. :) "