Lyme Disease : A Cure In Sight

I don't visit this Lyme desease forum much, I got diagnosed with CFS+FMS, but I found this and I hope something will come out of it to help those of you with Lyme.

You need to click on the link for the whole article. Due to copyright, I have just quoted a part.

"FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla., June 23, 2014 /PRNewswire-iReach/ --

"The immune issues start to come into play when the patient has been subject to the antibiotic treatment program. While Lyme disease is treated by antibiotics, unfortunately the treatment program can take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years of high levels of antibiotics, and this results in an enormous load on the immune system, progressing to what is known as Chronic Lyme Disease, where the immune system breaks down and then chronic long term pain in the joints and muscles become commonplace.
Fortunately a cutting edge breakthrough in Immune Development, pioneered in Australia in 2010, has been made available to sufferers of Chronic Lyme Disease. Now becoming more popular as a treatment program in the USA, the product known as
Immune Booster IM, activates your body's own dormant stem cells, 'waking them up' and restoring your Immune System to full health. The resulting effect is the removal of pain in the joints and muscles and an overall benefit of feeling healthy. With nil side effects and a 90% success rate of cure this is certainly a product worth exploring. It is an injectable (into the muscle) so you will need the product to be administered by your doctor or a qualified nurse, but the results are certainly worth the effort, with most patients describing the treatment as 'life changing'."
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Senior Member
Sounds like they're trying to stir up some hype for a non-medical commercial product.

Also a bit odd that they seem to say that treating Lyme with antibiotics causes chronic Lyme.


Senior Member
Yeah, this makes me kind of suspicious too. I looked online and there are a lot of sheep placenta products in many forms (oral, transdermal, shots, etc.). It seems like we would know if it helped lyme disease. Additionally, antibiotics do not cause chronic lyme disease. Hmmmm. I have no idea. But certainly placenta and cord stem cells are options that might be developed into treatments, so who knows. But it's interesting to read about anyway so thanks for posting it


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
I tried to dig deeper yesterday and havn't found yet a Lyme patient who has used the stuff (MD junction, francophone lyme forums etc).


Senior Member
I clicked on their clinical research page and it didn't link to anything.

I clicked on their buy now link and this product product sells for 1700 dollars per 6 vials.

This appears to be an advertising 'press release'.


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
It sounds like marketing hype and an over all hoax product. Sorry man no offence to you, or your post. I just have an easy time sniffing out the bullshit products and protocols greedy marketers try and offer to desperate patients.