Lying down puts pressure/ load on my body

Anyone here who can feel that lying down feels extreamly heav for body.
I mean the pressure from the bed, gravity...
Sometime i feel i just have to sit up to relieve my body from the " bed-pressure".
It like it gets to heavy for my body. It releases after have been sitting up for some time.

(I had this for 3-4 years...gets worse...
Sleeping elevated on many pillows helps..)
Thankful for answers!
I know its a really strange problem. But im starting to feel a little desperate! I mean i cant lay down flat and sleep anymore, have to have pillows and that hurts my neck so....
I mean it so crazy!: the pressure from bed is heavy on my body. (!?). Its sick.
It feels like something deep inside my body gets strangled or blocked from the pressure on body from bed or floor etc.. It feels so bad that i have to sit up right away to relieve my body from it.
Maye i dont breath proper or tense my idea.:bang-head::thumbdown:.... It feels really terrible when it happens


Senior Member
@Elvira81 Does this pressure decrease when you lift your back off the bed ? Is there pounding sensation in your temples in sync with your pulse (Kind of throbbing pulse in the temples). Is this worse immediately after having food ?" I suspect your intestines have gone rigid. It causes hypomotility of the intestines. Peristalsis and motility of the intestines must be very low. Consult a gastroenterologist and tell him this. Gut propulsid or prokinetic tablets will solve this problem. This is what I doubt. I had it 18 years ago.
@Elvira81 Does this pressure decrease when you lift your back off the bed ? Is there pounding sensation in your temples in sync with your pulse (Kind of throbbing pulse in the temples). Is this worse immediately after having food ?" I suspect your intestines have gone rigid. It causes hypomotility of the intestines. Peristalsis and motility of the intestines must be very low. Consult a gastroenterologist and tell him this. Gut propulsid or prokinetic tablets will solve this problem. This is what I doubt. I had it 18 years ago.
Wow! It sounds interesting!
I tried to google it a little but didnt find anything.
You mean hypo- or hyper mobility? Do the gut become to still?
The labored feeling/ the pressure on my body comes from under me from what i lie on, bed/ floor etc.

Could you describe a little bit more / send a link?

I feel a very strong urge to sit up to ease my body from the pressure. Ni pain but feel really bad. Start to yawn and sweat and get sudden shudders from spine...slowly the horrible feeling release. Had it right now in middle of night. Horrible.
Im in Sweden.
Thank you so much!!
@Elvira81 Does this pressure decrease when you lift your back off the bed ? Is there pounding sensation in your temples in sync with your pulse (Kind of throbbing pulse in the temples). Is this worse immediately after having food ?" I suspect your intestines have gone rigid. It causes hypomotility of the intestines. Peristalsis and motility of the intestines must be very low. Consult a gastroenterologist and tell him this. Gut propulsid or prokinetic tablets will solve this problem. This is what I doubt. I had it 18 years ago.
No throbbing pulse in temples. Rather weak/thin pulse.
Sometimes if i fall asleep on something harder than my bed (sofa or another firmer bed) i wake up feel very jammed from it and the feeling of the pressure from bed remains for hours after i wake up , for example on my right side if i have been sleeping on my right side, or on my back if i have been sleeping on my back...


Senior Member
Usually I feel better being reclined, due to POTS , and it helps spread out the weight of my body so that I'm not getting pressure on any one part for too long. But at a certain point, having so many areas touching somethings starts hurting and I'm better walking around the house, or sitting upright on a sofa where I can watch tv and keep more body parts free flowing. I just make sure I keep fidgeting so one area doesn't get all the pressure. Sometimes I sir, or lay in bed and prop my legs up or on the wall to get pressure off my hips and sciatic nerve. Guess it keeps the blood from pooling in lower extremities too.


Senior Member
@Elvira81 I think it is low motility and peristalsis of the intestines. It is called hypomotility of the intestines. I was put on cisapride and Methylpolysiloxane(MPS) (Simethicone I think) and it cleared in 15 days. Cisapride is banned now. But there are other prokinetics like mosapride. But please consult a gastroenterologist first. We people with cfs have stress of low intensity over years and this causes the intestines to go into hypomotility. I think that is the problem.
@Elvira81 I think it is low motility and peristalsis of the intestines. It is called hypomotility of the intestines. I was put on cisapride and Methylpolysiloxane(MPS) (Simethicone I think) and it cleared in 15 days. Cisapride is banned now. But there are other prokinetics like mosapride. But please consult a gastroenterologist first. We people with cfs have stress of low intensity over years and this causes the intestines to go into hypomotility. I think that is the problem.
Yes! I think its a very interesting thought.
How did you feel or experienced it when you got it?
Fortunatly i dont have very much issues with my stomach. No constipation or diarrea, no reflux etc.
How didt you feel your liw motility?
I get these random sudden shudders, that gives a whole-body jerk... Very common and notmal, but i get it a lot and i have to get them i feel because it makes my body start flowing again and recover from the compressed squeezed dead feeling. The random shudders also makes my muscles recover: no shudders= very poor slow recovery. I can even feel my pulse get stronger and faster after a random sudden shudder. Maybe it stimulates the motility to??
Usually I feel better being reclined, due to POTS , and it helps spread out the weight of my body so that I'm not getting pressure on any one part for too long. But at a certain point, having so many areas touching somethings starts hurting and I'm better walking around the house, or sitting upright on a sofa where I can watch tv and keep more body parts free flowing. I just make sure I keep fidgeting so one area doesn't get all the pressure. Sometimes I sir, or lay in bed and prop my legs up or on the wall to get pressure off my hips and sciatic nerve. Guess it keeps the blood from pooling in lower extremities too.
Hi Starsister!
Thanks for your reply!
I recognise my self in what you describe.
Good you have tricks to make you feel better!
Just, i get no pain, only that stuck and strained/ burdened/ labored feeling in body. Like i need to ease the burden through changing position or else becoming weak and overworked and squeezed....Hard to explain!!:thumbdown:
Sudden shudder , yawnibg and changing position helps me.
I think i have pots to but not severe.


Senior Member
@Elvira81 Do you feel vibration around your heart when you lie down and does this vibration go away if you lift your back off the bed ? Do you feel any tightness or skipping of a heart beat when you climb down a staircase ? The intestines are so arranged that the stomach bag sits on top of the large intestine's transverse part (Transverse colon) The large intestine is so arranged that the ascending colon, transverse colon and descending colon engulf the small intestines (which is like a ball of noodles).

The purpose of the stomach bag to sit on the transverse colon is that as soon as you wake up in the morning and have a cup of coffee or breakfast the food lands in the stomach bag and it exerts pressure on the transverse colon. This is called gastro colic response. As soon as pressure is exerted the intestines release serotonin and a major contraction (peristalsis) is initiated and bowel movements happen. This process is very finely coordinated between the brain and the gut with the spinal cord acting as the carrier of messages between the two.

If the intestines go rigid (both large and small) this mechanism goes haywire and you start feeling pressure in your chest and abdomen cavity. I used to feel a tightness at the back of my neck. It caused vertigo like symptoms. This is because the balance nerve goes through the neck.

So I used to get palpitations after breakfast and it used to subside on defeacation. The symptoms can vary vastly from person to person. Once the motility and peristalsis is increased the system sets itself right. So please consult a gastroenterologist (Physician). Hopefully this symptom should resolve. I dont know what your energy levels are. If you can do gentle exercise like yoga for cfs or walking for 15 min. you can ensure that it does not repeat.
@Elvira81 Do you feel vibration around your heart when you lie down and does this vibration go away if you lift your back off the bed ? Do you feel any tightness or skipping of a heart beat when you climb down a staircase ? The intestines are so arranged that the stomach bag sits on top of the large intestine's transverse part (Transverse colon) The large intestine is so arranged that the ascending colon, transverse colon and descending colon engulf the small intestines (which is like a ball of noodles).

The purpose of the stomach bag to sit on the transverse colon is that as soon as you wake up in the morning and have a cup of coffee or breakfast the food lands in the stomach bag and it exerts pressure on the transverse colon. This is called gastro colic response. As soon as pressure is exerted the intestines release serotonin and a major contraction (peristalsis) is initiated and bowel movements happen. This process is very finely coordinated between the brain and the gut with the spinal cord acting as the carrier of messages between the two.

If the intestines go rigid (both large and small) this mechanism goes haywire and you start feeling pressure in your chest and abdomen cavity. I used to feel a tightness at the back of my neck. It caused vertigo like symptoms. This is because the balance nerve goes through the neck.

So I used to get palpitations after breakfast and it used to subside on defeacation. The symptoms can vary vastly from person to person. Once the motility and peristalsis is increased the system sets itself right. So please consult a gastroenterologist (Physician). Hopefully this symptom should resolve. I dont know what your energy levels are. If you can do gentle exercise like yoga for cfs or walking for 15 min. you can ensure that it does not repeat.
I see, well i will have to think about if this can be the case. Become more consious about it...
Great this issue was solved for you. Its pretty fanrastic how everything is connected in body, abd quite confusing sometimes.
I do qigong and me and my boyfriend have a dog so i take 1-2 walks a day.
Have a good day!
I still have So much trouble with this.
My body just cant tollerate any pressure.
Sleepin three hours and than waking, feeling labored in body and squeezed..and have to sit for 1-2 hours before i can lie down again.
Wearing a little bit tight clothes makes me feel strangled and labored and exhausted.
Sitting on a hard bench or chair put such a load and pressire on my body that i just have to get of the chair.
If i ignore sotting up in night, after eaking with this loaded feeling, it traps up and becomes a very intense strangled squeezed loaded feeling, like a bomb that is ticking, in i just need to sit up very quickly and feel weak and coldswet and.
The only thing that helps is to get rid of whats putting pressure on my body. And it takes half - 2 hours before body has recovered from it. I yawn and get short random shudders involontary that apparantly stimulates my body in some eay and makes me feel better..
It has been going on for 3 years in periods but latest half year its Every night.