Hi, EW.
I hope you are doing well.
Emma Davies wrote up this blog about it, a few years ago. It is called The FailSafe diet, which is a nickname for the RPAH (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital) Elimination Diet.
Here is the link:
Sue Dengate, named it the FailSafe diet. She has some books, and a website on Food Intolerance.
Keeping away from manmade chemicals, and the naturally occurring food chemicals, as much as I can, has helped me tremendously.
If I go off the strict version of the FailSafe plan, the hives flare up, which shows me that there is some mast cell trouble, as well as chemical intolerance, perhaps some protein allergies, etc. Coming down with hives got me to go on this plan, and the diet is helping with other things, too.
It's a bit tedious, but I don't really mind, as I feel so much better.
Also, do you know about chanca piedra for kidney and gall bladder? It's an herb. I've used it for one of those detox cleanses. Many people say it dissolves stones. The naturopath who told me about it, said that if a person is developing stones that the urine will turn cloudy. And that if one has bladder or kidney stones, that it will break up the stones and dissolve them.
I hope you are doing well.