Hi Erist,
I have CFS/ME and I have tried so many different diets over the last 15 years, but nothing that really helps, But since 12 days I'm trying out a complete fat free diet. This means no fat except a little bit from lean chicken (cooked). I'm also leaving out all carbohydrates/grains (except sugar). Basically, I'm eating raw en cooked vegetables, fruits and cooked lean chicken. I know it's look quit extreme but the strange thing is that I'm feeling better. Especially I've less brain-fog and I'm more productive. It is really noticeable. The improvements started after +/- 4 days.
My experience is that it is really essential to leave out all fats. Otherwise it will not work. My next step is also leaving out the lean chicken. Living only on fruits and vegetables (for a few days/weeks)
Ten years ago I followed a similar diet (modified F.X. Mayr diet) and after 15 days, my immune system kicked in again. I was then really sick for 2 days but felt like reborn after that, but after one week I relapsed. Reason.? Maybe because I started again with eating fats. I've always thought it had something to do week with the food of the diets itself. But maybe it was because of something the diet was missing --> fats (& proteins).
Like I've mentioned before: It is quit extreme but I'm feeling better right now. I'm also hoping that within a few days my immune system will react like 10 years again. Let's hope.
These are my experience, not be mistaken as an advice.
Good luck,