Looking for Primary Care Provider in Raleigh/Durham North Carolina area


Any suggestions on a Primary Care Provider near Raleigh, Durham, or Chapel Hill, NC? Would love to find someone who understands the effects of chronic disease (CFS/ME for more than 25 years) and can help with improving general health.

Thanks so much!
Hi @Azriel, we found Dr. Timothy Ashley and we were impressed.

He was extremely thorough and thoughtful, and talked through the history (lots of past testing and regimens that have been tried). He didn't promise a miracle cure or dismiss CFS/ME at all. Instead he had suggestions on what might be helpful for day-to-day managing and living, which is what we were hoping for, and how to manage the other conditions that tend to get worse with long-term illnesses (as it's challenging to be active).

Good luck and best wishes!