Looking for feedback around pridgen protocol


Senior Member
In april or May i started following some of the Pridgen Protocol I did pretty good. it seemed like i was making progress.. then i over did it helping friends and have been down with a cold/bronchisits for a month.

what i noticed when i was "over doing it" i was drinking coffee and that with the celebrex wasn' t a good combo. it really hurt my stomach.

finally .. even noticing just taking the celebrex without coffee sometimes upsets my stomach too.

so i believe the only way i can continue with this treatment protocol will be to use esomeprazole that does seem to help. I feel resistant to this and i dont know why? i wish i didnt have so much fear.

if the combo helps and i feel better and can do more.. then it's worth it? not sure where my "fear" is coming from around taking the esomeprazole..

Medford NJ
The Pridgen Protochol did help my fibromyalgia tremendously. I took Celebrex 200mg and valtrex 500mg ( official Protochol uses famvir which is very close to valtrex) . After about 3 months I was able to get off of fentanyl and now no longer go to pain management. I initially took this combo for 6 months. I then stopped . I still have mild fibromyalgia pain which is totally controlled by 1-2 tramadol 50mg per day. This was about 3 years ago. I had to pulse it a few times since but had not had a flare up in over a year.

My cfs symptoms where not helped much by this combo. What helped my cfs was going to Death Valley and realizing that the environment was in play.
I would not take this combo indefinitely mainly because of the Celebrex. My blood pressure was high after 6 months . I stopped it but my pain stayed low.


Senior Member
Hi CB2,

Celebrex helps me with pain so much I'd take anything to keep being able to tolerate it. That said, it doesn't hurt my stomach and coffee with Celebrex doesn't do me any harm.

We are all different so I think that if you have a strong concern about something not being right for you, listen to your body and feelings. Do you have a general fear about taking drugs or is it "just" this one?

Maybe keep away from the Celebrex for a while and then start again at the lowest dose, with no coffee, that you can find and see if the stomach problems come back?