Liquid Diets


Senior Member
Since digestion is a huge issue for some of us I wondered if it would help the digestive system if only liquids were consumed. Has anyone tried a liquid diet? I mean it is very important to watch your vitamin and mineral intake but a liquid diet can deliver all of those in enough quantities if done properly. I only thought to stay on a liquid diet for maybe 3-4 days and see what happens. Does anyone have some scientific info about liquid diets or can anyone offer personal experience?

I only found this non scientific abstract:

"What are the benefits of a liquid diet?

A liquid diet is extremely useful when your digestive system needs restoration. Liquids are easily digested and help in quick nutrient absorption. A liquid diet is the best way to rest and even cleanse your digestive systems since clear liquids help to drain out the toxins and waste from the body. A liquid diet provides the doctors optimum conditions for conducting certain medical tests and surgeries that require a patients intestine to be devoid of solid food. Although some people believe that a liquid diet aids weight loss, it is not prescribed for weight loss but only for the restoration of digestive tract and aid the other medical procedures."


Senior Member
I've tried several liquid diets over the decades of ME but not found them useful. Different things from meal replacements ( like complan), meat and vege broths, water, herbal teas and vege/fruit juices. The fluid just sits on the my stomach getting heavier and heaver. Vege and fruit juice can result in severe stomach pain and vomiting.

I got weaker and weak on each day I've ever tried a liquid diet. Tolerated the broths and some herbal teas best of all (stomach wise) but still the fluid sat there and I got weaker.

It's normal for a lot of fluid to have this effect for me anyway.


Senior Member
Something I have to go from time to time Waverunner when GI problems make solid foods impossible - it certainly does seem to rest the whole digestive tract for a while.


Senior Member
Thanks ukxmrv and Enid for your inputs. I ordered medical meal replacement packs that last for 3 days and contain all necessary nutrients. I'm glad that no solid food helped you Enid. I hope it works for me too. But I still want to know what messes up our digestion so much. CFS is so underfunded, that's just crazy...