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link to program for 1st International XMRV NIH/Abbott workshop Sept 7/8


hi all,

George asked me to post the link to the 1st International XMRV NIH/Abbott workshop Sept 7/8.

It's on this page, which has the list of invited speakers, with pics and bios, on the top right in the blue column, under the logo for the conference.

Or - I think this will work as a direct link to the pdf file:


* Program_XMRV_final


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
I don't know how to copy and paste stuff with my phone. Thank you Shrewsbury. More so for all of your hard work and campaigning that helped to get Dr Mikovits on the program. You and your posse did a great job and moved a major mountain. A big thank you from one who was a nay sayer. (grins)


Senior Member
I don't know how to copy and paste stuff with my phone. Thank you Shrewsbury. More so for all of your hard work and campaigning that helped to get Dr Mikovits on the program. You and your posse did a great job and moved a major mountain. A big thank you from one who was a nay sayer. (grins)

Yea, Shewsbury how cool is it that Mikovits is now presenting, and chairing :victory:


Señor Mumbler
hi all,

George asked me to post the link to the 1st International XMRV NIH/Abbott workshop Sept 7/8.

It's on this page, which has the list of invited speakers, with pics and bios, on the top right in the blue column, under the logo for the conference.

Or - I think this will work as a direct link to the pdf file:


* Program_XMRV_final

Thanks shrewsbury, I'd seen the program PDF but not the bios page.

That page (tried in two browsers) only loads up to Mr. Switzer and stops @ "Chronic Fatique Syndrome" with "Dr. Frank Ruscetti, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA" below that an no more. I guess I check back.

Man, that photo of Dr. Coffin looks like it would scare the mice away. :D

Just kidding, I couldn't resist. The man is great. But man he looks SERIOUS in that photo.


George - you're welcome. no worries.

Not sure if the petition and all who wrote to have Dr Mikovits play a major role in the 1st International XMRV NIH/Abbott workshop (hmmm - maybe the the last too if this name change takes effect) was actually part of the change. But I'm so appreciative of all the people who made their voices heard.

I have no idea if we actually were part of the change, but am very glad that we tried. Maybe it was all the XMRV/HGRV research that is starting to emerge that changed the way the wind seems to be blowing.

But, bottom line, is that for over 3 months Dr M was on the science committee, and forced to watch the invitation of Mr Switzer etc, while receiving no invitation to participate herself. Now, in the last week, we see her Co-Chairing the CFS (HGRAD??? or HGRVNID) session with Dr Coffin, and presenting the anchor presentation on XMRV in the UK (hey - wait a minute - didn't some UK researchers say that XMRV didn't have a passport?)

all I can say is woo hoo! :victory::victory::victory::victory::victory::victory::victory:

V99 - extremely cool - life as it should be - like Salk presenting at the first polio conference.

Otis - so agree re Dr C's photo.

The Program page has just been the Invited Speakers list since coming on-line in May. The invited speakers page started off with just the subject and the invited speaker + affiliation. The same people and same topics. Over time, they've added photos and bios. It looks to me that F Ruscetti is the only one who hasn't gotten his pic and bio in. The link to the final program (over on the top right) just got added.

@urban - good editor's eye - I never noticed that! guess that would be pronounced /fatiyk/, rhyming with boutique


Senior Member
Thanks for posting this.

A quick scan of lecture titles seems to indicate that they will be talking about how XMRV replicates in tissue but not blood from the monkey studies (news to me -- Villinger talk) and that results from the UK VIP XMRV group will be presented (Mikovits). It will be interesting to see the full slides if they come out eventually online.


Senior Member
wow I didnt know about the change with Mikovitz involvement, what a relief! lots of good news lately.


XMRV+ Member
Ontario, Canada
I got to add a "WOOT!!!!" here too. No-one in my neighbourhood would understand.
Great week of news. Thanks to anyone helping crack this open.... and to the posters here that keep the news almost real-time
Nah Nah Nah to all the bad guys !!
And the fun will just be starting.


ahimsa_pdx on twitter
Oops - I just scanned it briefly and I found a typo in the program!

The topic listed for Dr. Frank Ruscetti is "Chronic Fatique Syndrome" (for those with brain fog who can't see the error, they spelled fatigue with a Q instead of a G - must have been done by someone who is not an old fashioned touch typist!) This error is not in the PDF file but on the HTML version (this link - http://www.virology-education.com/index.cfm/t/Program/vid/1FFCB7B8-FB88-C1D2-92C420E3BCEB0FB0 ) but I also noticed a couple typos in the PDF version (all the afternoon times for session 4 are listed as AM, not PM)

I'm assuming these are early versions and will be updated with correct information? I would send an email to let someone know about the errors I found but I'm still trying to figure out where to send it. I sure hope they have not printed anything with these errors yet!

Edited to add - I see that several others have noticed some of these errors. Somehow when I first looked at this thread there were not any replies displayed after V99's comment. Not sure how that happened! :)