10mg Lutein and 2mg Zeaxanthin per day may help.
n a 2008 study, researchers at the University of Georgia found that these two nutrients significantly increased the carotenoid content in the study participants' retinas. Participants also experienced relief from glare sensitivity. They took 2 milligrams of zeaxanthin and 10 milligrams of lutein a day. It helps if you also consume healthy foods including tomatoes, peppers, spinach, carrots and other leafy greens.
Speaking of vision, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the king of the carotenoids, astaxanthin, which has been the buzz word lately. This dietary supplement is sold by several high-quality makers such as NOW Foods, Vitamin Shoppe and NSI brands. Emerging studies on this nutrient are super-exciting, because astaxanthin can protect vision, ease arthritis and fibromyalgia pain, and improve cholesterol and fatigue.
5HTP - From Sallysblooms on PR:
5HTP did a WONDERFUL job for me and noise sensitivity.
POTS management - From Allyson on PR:
Managing my POTS helped with the noise sensitivity as adrenaline from POTS causes it for me.
ALA - From PDXhausted on PR:
[Note: ALA may lower blood sugar.]
Alpha lipoid acid helps with my light and noise sensitivity. I take it along with a bit of vitamin C for good measure, although its the ALA that does it for me.
It also helps with neurological inflammation, which I'm guessing is where my sensitivity is coming from.
I'm hypersensitive as well. I open up a 100mg capsule and sprinkle it, probably about 1mg, into a glass with some water. Then I drink it slowly. The first time I took it, I got a little of a flu-ish feeling, but it didnt happen again after that. If I still have some sensitivity, I might take another sprinkle. But again, I am very hypersensitive.
D-Ribose - From rosie26 on PR:
I have found D Ribose helpful, in that it seems to help lessen inflammation in my muscles which seems to also help lessen PEM and I think because of this also helps ease abit of the neuro-sensitivity stuff. Worth trying but D Ribose doesn't seem to work for everyone though. I have found it a great help. Anything that helps abit is soooo good.