let me tell you a story
I am originally from Yorkshire in England and have always had a rather adventurous nature I suppose, either through travel or reading or imagination
I left England in 1984
and went to work on cruise ships travelling all over the world, I met a beautiful American woman and eventually married. In September of 1986 we moved to Incline village in Lake Tahoe. My profession being Casino slot machines this was our preferred place to live rather than Reno or Las Vegas. We had 2 children and I moved up the job ladder
and pretty much fell into the trap of the typical American dream nonsense ...I became more and more stressed, my way of dealing with stress had always been to drink and this I did more and more. I developed panic disorder and was a complete mess when we decided to buy a house in the fall of 1994.We moved into the house in September and by the following April I had lost 40lbs from a 185lbs and had developed different intolerances to foods mainly wheat at that time.... I started seeing different doctors non of whom had a clue what was wrong with me. I went from doctor to doctor eventually seeing an alternative MD who amazingly I have stayed with on and off for the last 15 years ...he has never been of benefit at all
I visited psychics, psychologists and everyone in between. I even spent a small fortune at the Century clinic in Reno which was well known for treating difficult incurable cases. I had Provocation/neutralization testing which made me so ill I couldn't return...they had written "highly allergic" in big letters across my file. In the next 7 years I became something of an expert in nutrition and alternative treatments somehow managing to study and hold a full time job despite being desperately ill. I actually became a food puritan from around 1996 until 2001 in that time I didn't eat any sugar or non organic food and drank nothing but purified water, I was so sick I could hardly function, I had all of my amalgam fillings removed and tried every treatment I could find ALL of which made me sicker and sicker. What I didn't know was the "alternative" grains I was eating still contained gluten (spelt and kamut) no one had suggested to me that I may be intolerant to gluten. So sometime in 2001 I decided to start drinking again and at the same time stopped eating the alternative grains, well amazingly I started to feel better and gained back all of the weight that I couldn't while still eating the grains...I still believed that all of this was due to "stress" and a unhappiness from a really poor marriage. Jump forward 10 years and after a visit to a new ND.NMD in Reno who informed me based on my history that it sounded to her like I had a biotoxin illness or mold illness.....(my previous 2 doctors actually told me I may be allergic to my wife
) somehow I am still alive have 2 more children from the same marriage am now divorced ,declared bankruptcy am about to foreclose on my house ....have discovered that the house I purchased and still live in has a toxic mold problem (which I first discovered in the bathroom wall when we first moved in, which I removed without mask gloves nothing...who knew?) I also discovered that I have the rare 0401-03-53 genotype for mold toxicity oh did I mention I have the heterozygous version yup a double whammy
. My current health state is that I am intolerant to pretty much all food and perfume, chemicals etc but amazingly still work in a management position have a small business in which I create motion graphics and video/photography films.....and am about to move into a different house for the first time in 17 years...I was never sick before I moved into this house ...so maybe I will see some improvement when I move out ...with as few possessions as possible.....wish me luck ....I need a bit
....this story leaves out SO much but gives a general overview of amazingly catastrophic times.
I am originally from Yorkshire in England and have always had a rather adventurous nature I suppose, either through travel or reading or imagination
and went to work on cruise ships travelling all over the world, I met a beautiful American woman and eventually married. In September of 1986 we moved to Incline village in Lake Tahoe. My profession being Casino slot machines this was our preferred place to live rather than Reno or Las Vegas. We had 2 children and I moved up the job ladder
and pretty much fell into the trap of the typical American dream nonsense ...I became more and more stressed, my way of dealing with stress had always been to drink and this I did more and more. I developed panic disorder and was a complete mess when we decided to buy a house in the fall of 1994.We moved into the house in September and by the following April I had lost 40lbs from a 185lbs and had developed different intolerances to foods mainly wheat at that time.... I started seeing different doctors non of whom had a clue what was wrong with me. I went from doctor to doctor eventually seeing an alternative MD who amazingly I have stayed with on and off for the last 15 years ...he has never been of benefit at all