Leptospirosis: My case & My disease

Hi everybody,

A year ago, i joined to you forum looking for help for a unknown disease. I received many good info about some people here that was tryng to survive like me. I was very bad, and i thought i was doomed. But i found a doctor that helped me. I was diagnosed with leptospirosis. And started with abx. I got also another things. A new inmunomodulator called transference factor, developed by a big university in my country, Mexico, made from human white blood cells. This can help you since the first time you take it.
ALso he makes leptospira disgnosis base on blood and urine tests.Any commercial test will help because he uses dark field microscopy to see direcly leptospiras, because normal tests just test antibodies for lepto and usually are very low.

if you dont believe this, look for some info about this doctor, is published by the bigger university of my country, UNAM, he is a researcher. He is a Tropical disease expert. He knows about any rare disea from the jungle and others. Look for his work in the UNAM pages.

His Name is Roberto Velasco Castrejon this is his address and phone

Dr. Oscar Velasco Castrejon
Clinca de Medicina Tropical e inmunoterapia
Avenida Alvaro Obregón #12 Col. Roma CP. 6700.

Phone (55) 85 96 45 00,
(55) 52 64 25 51
He really can help you. And he had cured many people from CFS like diseases. Leptospira is a world wide disease, is not a mexican disease. Is rat urine, its dogs, its wild animals, you can get this everywhere.

Please read this article.
And also theres many info about his research. There´s many pages about his work. This is in spanish, but google can help you translating.
Please this is not a fiction or herb cure, This is a serios disease with a serious threatment. You can live better, you can be alive again!!

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Thank-you for sharing the resolution of your illness with us. It sounds like leptospirosis is one more thing that those diagnosing ME/CFS could consider.

I did a quick search and found that it is a rare condition and that

Risk factors include:
  • Occupational exposure -- farmers, ranchers, slaughterhouse workers, trappers, veterinarians, loggers, sewer workers, rice field workers, and military personnel
  • Recreational activities -- fresh water swimming, canoeing, kayaking, and trail biking in warm areas
  • Household exposure -- pet dogs, domesticated livestock, rainwater catchment systems, and infected rodents


Senior Member
I've heard of people in London being diagnosed with Weil's disease thought to be from water in the thames or other rivers contaminated by rats.

Really glad Kathy, that you found someone who could identify the cause and help you.


iherb code TAK122
I had the blood test for lepto but it was negative. I have friends who have lost dogs to this disease so its not one to be taken lightly. But at the end of the day there are hundreds of infections we can have and unforutnately we can't be tested for them all. I suppose we have to think about our lifestyles prior to ME to determine possible infectious times. I have been around dogs and horses all my life but a lot of possible bacterial infections through those contacts have all come back negative on blood tests. Transfer Factor is interesting as its used by B/spear too. One of the problems is if you're intolerant of eggs have to find one egg free.
Dear Maryb,

The problem with Lepto is that International standards just test antibodies levels to match with the acute phase. The technique is called MAT. The titers of 100 are required to be considered positive. In the chronic phase, you titers dicrease because of the body adjust. This doctor uses dark field microscopy to see the cabteria directly, this disease is spread by urine, so the doctor can see it in blood and urine. He uses silver to highlight the bacteria in the microscopy. The common tests will allways say negative in chronic phase.

This bacteria can mimic any disease, srojen, lupus and many other inmune diseases.Liver diseases, neuro diseases, i know a case of a Multiple sclerosis like disease that was caused by lepto, and many others with brain fog and fibro totally cured.

Please research a little in internet this is really true

PS. Eggs? But the humana transfer factor is just human white cells, why the egg?


A new one:

Mi liver TGO and TGP, liver damage tests shows abnormal results.... i developed fatty liver and my liver is wrong, The doctor confirmed that this evil thing also damaged my liver.

Ill need more threatment. If you have liver problems, this can be Lepto.

