Left side...very scared

Hi all

I am very scared...my left side (leg, feet, arm, hand) feels more and more numb...and its hurts sometimes also..and so weak...also problems to grab something..sometimes leg is weaker, sometomeimes arm is more numb...can that be from me/cfs? Very scared of ALS or MS...even strange that is only on one side? Any experience...thanks a lot


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland

sorry for caps, but it is absolutely important, and it doesn't matter our experiences as it is a medical imperative to get it checked NOW

left side nerve issues = potentially very serious (vagus nerve)

I get really bad sciatica in my left thigh *probably* because I've always had an issue with getting a nerve trapped there, used to be very flexible and bending too much there a nerve would get trapped and I'd get paralyzed down left leg for a few minutes if I wasn't careful and also later on a kidney stone that wasn't operable could dig into my kidney doing same thing so hey, I was very careful doing exercises like that :p

that kind of thing happens

the sciatica I suspect is due to that life long issue and then obesity, ME/CFS (which caused the obesity), deconditioning, all combined to trigger the sciatica. I don't *know* though because sciatica generally can't be treated and I'm too ill to put up with going to hospital

but that's my leg, yours is higher up so MUCH more serious, brain, vagus nerve etc

so get it checked now

may not be too bad, maybe as simple as poor posture putting pressure on a nerve, hence I've got to be careful how I sit
don't panic, but get it seen to! :)
Thank you...i have it already 2 months...i call tomorrow for an appointment or better emergency?


Senior Member
I agree about seeing Doctors about it, but there can be many causes. They'll hopefully give you a full work-up.

I had numbness on both sides of my body, but it wasn't symmetrical . Left hand numb, not right hand. Both feet numb. Big numb patch over liver area. Sometimes numbness on face, lips.

In hindsight, I see that the neuropathy was from many causes : Shingles virus, Bacterial infections, B12 deficiency, Copper deficiency, and Iron overload.

If I had the money right now, I would have a MRI to search specifically for Brain Iron Deposition. Excess unbound Iron can cause a lot of neurological damage.

Numbness on one side may be the sign of a stroke. Is this sudden ? If so, Please go to ER !


Senior Member
I had right side tightness and weakness for 3 years, eventually I managed to fix it with a combination of nootropics (uridine, alpha gcp, dha, noopept) combined with taichi/qigong/zhan zhuang. Neurogenesis and neuroprotection mixed with body/mind exercises. Not a full fix but at least my head isn't tilted and my shoulder is relaxed now. My right and left side are at roughly the same strength.

I found it very strange that my problems were right side only, I attribute it to overworking my right side when I had ME when I tried to be a car washer for a year, and also because of a shoulder injury while doing pullups. Well that isn't the strange part, the strange part is my right jaw and leg were effected when I never injured or taxed them at all. Clearly the immune system or neuroimmune system has some correlation to the right and left hemispheres of the body.

Oh but of course go to the doctors first, my experiences shouldn't be used as a first resort.
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Senior Member
I saw your post after I posted.

I don't know really, but did the numbness come on suddenly ?
It would be a good idea for the Docs to check for previous strokes, I guess.

I haven't had a stroke, my neuropathy was from the aforementioned causes.

I just became alarmed when writing to you.


Senior Member
I am very scared...my left side (leg, feet, arm, hand) feels more and more numb...and its hurts sometimes also..and so weak...also problems to grab something..sometimes leg is weaker, sometomeimes arm is more numb...can that be from me/cfs?
It's not an ME/CFS symptom. It might be hemiparesis or hemiplegia. In addition to the other possibilities mentioned here, it can be caused by stroke-like episodes from a genetic mitochondrial disease.

It is always a serious symptom, and should be checked out by doctors immediately. When I had an episode 10 years ago, I very quickly had appointments for a lot of scans, a lot of blood work, a neurologist, and some other stuff. MS was one of the things they were ruling out, as well as an actual stroke.

My episode started in the middle of the night and woke me up. When I called my GP in the morning, he was of the opinion that I should have gone to the ER as soon as it happened. It can be a medical emergency.
Yes of course

I go tomorrow to emergency..because i have it already 2 months...i already had numbness and coldness on both sides...checked for ms and everything...but nothing found...but this now is new...i am really scared!


Senior Member
@Chugi You need to get thorough testing to rule anything serious out, but here is my experience. I have hypoperfusion to the brain, as ME patients do, and one side of my brain is more affected, which I think explains why my left side has more problems. Numbness, tingling and dull pain are often felt more on my left side. Sometimes just the leg, or the foot.

I've had everything under the sun checked though, and it's important to do so.