LDN causing jaw clenching ?


Senior Member
(This is a bit of a ramble, I'm sorry... had the biggest 'dragging my feet and brain through mud' day yesterday and still feel very brainfoggy).

I tried LDN a couple of months back, for a month.

Just wondering:
  1. Has anyone here experienced or heard of others experiencing jaw clenching (whether with other symptoms or not)?
  2. Is there any medical reason why a super small dose might induce some side effects, but perhaps not at higher doses?

I dissolved 1.5mg in water so I'd have more control over increasing the dosage slow. Unfortunately, I grossly miscalculated the dilution rate, so was taking a tiny tiny dose, even when titered up over the month (I only realised about 2wks in when I redid the maths... I was at the start of a mild relapse, so my brain was not coping with numbers at all).

My issue is that the LDN caused really severe jaw clenching 24/7, and I quit taking it after a month because the jaw clenching was starting to move my front teeth around.

LDN, even at such a small dose, seemed to have a positive effect on some of my POTS symptoms, which is why I'd like to try it again properly. I guess I'm anxious that the jaw clenching might be the start of other side effects that might present itself in me when I try higher doses.

There isn't anything about LDN and jaw clenching online, expect for a random med forum post from 2015 where the author also talks about having really intense anxiety and anger from LDN.

Hopefully someone here may have an idea, because I'm stumped.


Senior Member
Jaw clenching is a symptom of hyperthyroid for me. High Molybdenum foods seem to help. (I never tried LDN)