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LDN. Anyone go backwards in dose?


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Ok admittedly LDN works well. Too well. Well enough that I overdo massively then crash. Then it no longer works, so I up my dose .5 mg. It hasn’t worked for a while.

First time it worked was 2.5. Then crash. Then needed 3.0 and was great. Then crashed. Then 3.5 worked great, but crashed. Hasn’t worked since and I’m at 5.0. So do I go backwards to 2.5? Or did I ruin my chance? (Ps I started at 1.0 and increase .5 every increase)

Have any of you gone back to a lower dose and picked up where you left off? Was it successful or not?

Before I was working full time and massively into push crash. I no longer work, and fear I’ll never be in an office again. So I could manage it now. But not sure LDN will ever work for me again? Did I lose my only help?


Forum Support Assistant
When I was taking LDN I found that I needed to take breaks for a week every so often to restore effectiveness. 2.5mg was my sweet spot.

"LDN levels can build up in a person and blunt or even negate its effectiveness. Therefore, a reduction in dose, or even skipping some doses, has been suggested in cases where LDN mysteriously stops working, or bothersome side effects return for no apparent reason. It appears that some people who have taken LDN for an extended period may also need a lower dose to achieve the same therapeutic benefit."
From: https://sites.google.com/site/dudleyslowdosenaltrexonesites/home/side-effects-and-dosing-of-ldn

There's also this note that I found on LDNScience.org:
"Doctors running clinical trials have discovered that low vitamin D levels can hinder the effectiveness of LDN. Many people are deficient in vitamin D. It might be a good idea to get your vitamin D level checked and, if need be, supplement your diet with at least 5000-10,000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day."


Senior Member
Ok admittedly LDN works well. Too well. Well enough that I overdo massively then crash. Then it no longer works, so I up my dose .5 mg. It hasn’t worked for a while.

First time it worked was 2.5. Then crash. Then needed 3.0 and was great. Then crashed. Then 3.5 worked great, but crashed. Hasn’t worked since and I’m at 5.0. So do I go backwards to 2.5? Or did I ruin my chance? (Ps I started at 1.0 and increase .5 every increase)

Have any of you gone back to a lower dose and picked up where you left off? Was it successful or not?

Before I was working full time and massively into push crash. I no longer work, and fear I’ll never be in an office again. So I could manage it now. But not sure LDN will ever work for me again? Did I lose my only help?
From my reading of individuals' experiences, the correct dose for a person can be all over the place. It's basically trial and error until you find one that works. Some people have gone up to 9mg to see success, but I doubt that would be beneficial for you since you had success at lower doses and once you've reached a higher dose it stopped working. Also, some people have titrated, such as you, and found a lower dose more beneficial (sounds like something between 2.5 and 3.5 might be best for you.)

One person here on PR who I was discussing LDN dosages did tell me that he/she had to take breaks on LDN so that the benefits would return. It very may well have been @PatJ .

When I was taking LDN I found that I needed to take breaks for a week every so often to restore effectiveness. 2.5mg was my sweet spot.
I think breaks have been helpful for some. I've heard of that before, but could have come from you.
@PatJ and @Strawberry, I just started on LDN today at 2.5mg. Should I expect an immediate effect? I don't want to get my hopes up but I am starting to feel decent...
Yes, effects of LDN can be seen rather quickly, a couple of days, for most people. Other times, the benefits take longer as the patient has to titrate up to a dose over several weeks to avoid side effects. I noticed benefits in 2-3 days, but unfortunately, lost all gains. But I'm thinking I might try taking a break off it for a while and restart.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I did give LDN a break (a few months) after a major crash, but it seems it doesn’t help now. Is it possible for it to never work again? Do I start to titrate down or do I start at 1.5 and titrate up? I think it’s been a week since I quit this last time.


Forum Support Assistant
@PatJ and @Strawberry, I just started on LDN today at 2.5mg. Should I expect an immediate effect? I don't want to get my hopes up but I am starting to feel decent...

It can take effect quite quickly, right from the first dose in some cases. Many people start low and titrate upward to a dose where they feel good but without side effects. During the titration period a lot of people notice problems with insomnia or other side effects but those usually pass after staying at a stable dose for a week or two.

Edit: I also found this comment on Dudley's LDN info site: "Some people get results overnight. However, it can take weeks, months, or even a year or more to experience the maximum therapeutic benefit of LDN."
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Forum Support Assistant
Do I start to titrate down or do I start at 1.5 and titrate up?

I would try titrating down by 0.5 mg per week. That way if it starts working again then you'll have already found the highest effective dose, instead of starting low and working upward.

Dudley's LDN site has this page with a list of things that sometimes reduce LDN's effectiveness: When LDN Is Not Working


Senior Member
Very interesting info! I didn't know why I am currently having to lower my dose... It is beacause I am upping my vit D supplementation :thumbsup:


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Vitamin D is highly suspect. I haven’t tanned since COVID. If I can get out of the house today I will start tanning again as I suspect my D is low. Pills don’t work well so I use fake tan along with pills. Once I feel my D levels are rising I’ll restart the LDN.

Candida or SIBO are also both suspect. That website said something about grapefruit seed extract, so I just ordered some. It’s been in my cart for ages but couldn’t remember what it was for. Now hopefully if I forget again, I’ll come here and remind myself!