Lawn fertilizer suggestions for MCS?


Senior Member
San Francisco, CA
My landlord wants to treat his lawn this Spring and Summer. I mentioned my sensitivity to chemicals and scents. He's willing to work with me, but asked that I help in sourcing a product that is safe for me. Any ideas what I'm even looking for? Is it simply an organic fertilizer/lawn treatment? Is there even such thing? Or are there chemicals that sneak into organic products also? Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome! Thanks!!!


Senior Member
Its good he's checking this out with you first!
I'd suggest something seaweed based. Most of those type of products just have fermented seaweed and water in them. They're like kefir for your soil. :)
There's also a great product called Seacrop (available in the US and not here unfortunately for me!) which is distilled ocean minerals.
Just realised I know a biological gardening guy in CA, so will check with him and add here later.


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
I don't think any particular fertilizer will make a difference as much as if you ask him to water it in afterwards and that he not use any pesticides. Used to do yardwork for a living and the pest control contractor put down thousands of pounds of fertilizer that had dursban in it and other nasties also like fungicides and herbicides. Had cfs for 15 years now. I've used malorganite made from human sewage and that leaves a snitch you probably would not like. I'd stay away from those types of fertilizers.

Robert Christ


Senior Member
Oh, Robert has a good point here. You wouldn't think that you'd have to warn people about not using human sewage as fertilizer in a first world country, but apparently it's increasingly popular now that the bacteria in it can be killed through radiation or whatever. The problem is that our sewers don't just have human waste in them: they also have masses of chemicals and toxin-producing microorganisms. And yet, this is sometimes (often?) said to be okay for organic fields! So definitely this is something to avoid.

Best, Lisa
Hi Anna,

Hi Anna,

I found some of your posts on google as I searched for connections with Lyme, CFS, and HHV-6.

I currently see doctor Harris in Redwood city, I am not sure if you continue to see him.

However, they diagnosed me as having Lyme, Stanford has diagnosed me as having CFS.

I am just curious which path you chose, Lyme or CFS, or both, and what results you have been experiencing.

If you wouldn't mind, could you email me at

I would really appreciate the opportunity to get the advice of someone who has been in my position, or who still is.




Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
There is a product made by Lesco and it is organic fertilizer, but it is basically dried turkey manure. It is a little expensive and is only 7-7-7, but it is considered slow release. I don't have MCS, but I have an extremely strong nose to odors (thanks to CFS) and this fertilizer barely has an odor to it. After a few years year soil is so rich with nutrients you may can skip a year. You cannot do this with chemical fertilizers.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
What about fish emulsion. It stinks initially, but usually airs out in a few days.
I have severe MCS and have have no issues with it as long as I keep my windows closed for 2-3 days.

ALSO... I googled and found a lot of products here. You might find one that is acceptable:

I have used a natural fish one too (thou it stinks so much!! but then it isnt horrid smells which make me sick, but chemicals so this was fine).

Another one called "Seasol" brand Earth Care, its a 100% organic seaweed concentrate, Ive used to without issues. (it stinks thou)

You also can get animal mature which can have watered added to it and watered into the garden...


Senior Member
Sth Australia
By `treat his lawn` I would assume that he wants to put weed killer down as well as fertilizer which will be the main problem. Its a bit more tricky to do a lawnbut here are some ideas

Sprinkling salt on the weeds sounds a good way.

Salt once its in the soil can kill everything else too and you cant get it back out once there.

I have used boiling water to kill weeds in the past, this work well.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Lawn fertilizer, bland, sterile, useless human excrement?
Look no further than new, miracle PsychoBabble Poo!!!!!!!!!!
Hot and fresh from the producers, we can deliver CBT and GET versions right to your door!

CBT = Corprolite, Bollocks and Twaddle, for the older fashioned gardener
GET = Glowing Edible Turds, a new novelty! (no relation to Chernobyl Turds! All such accusations are lies by our jealous competitors!)



Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
Lesco makes 100% organic fertilizer. It is basically composed and dried turkey manure. It is more expensive and I think it is only 7-7-7. Do your whole front yard and then ask somebody what looks like and what it smells like especially if you are sweating. Remove clothing before going in the house and make sure you kids don't have any neighbors over when you perform this feat!!. Do the spring feeding really early because it breaks down slow, but it it turns of warm and humid you could have a problem with mold or fungus (This for a fescue lawn)