Latest Symptom: Vertigo

Over the past few weeks, I have developed vertigo. I get slightly dizzy on a bumpy car ride, when watching scrolling on a computer screen, when watching computer projection on a wall/screen (such as presentation at work), if I spin around once, and even bending over makes my head a bit woozy.

I am currently on Forinef (among many other meds and supps) to help with low blood pressure and orthostatic intolerance, but apparently that doesn't help the vertigo. I increased my Forinef just a little before this symptom started - could that be a cause of this?

Does anyone have any advice on what helps with vertigo sensations? I really want to be able to be even just a little bit active with my kids, but this latest symptom makes it even more challenging.

Thanks, Cindi! I have pre-anemia - that is to say low ferritin levels (the iron storage), and I have had that for more than a year and been treating it with iron supps for that long. Not a new issue, so may not be the trigger here. I have low sodium/high potassium levels, as is common with adrenal issues, which I also have due to the CFS.

Really good to know about the Florinef side effect. My dr. and I have no problem taking my dose down by half a tablet and seeing if that helps the vertigo. It couldn't hurt, and I can always try to find something salty to eat to help the low BP in place of the Florinef.

I'll try to go slightly lower on the Florinef, as that is very easy test to determine if that is the cause. Any other input is of course welcome, as well.



Senior Member
Hi Anna

Normally we have low sodium and high potassium with low adrenals but if one is on Florinef potassium may go low if the dose is high.Potassium needs to be checked from time to time. Best wishes.


Senior Member
Hi anna_o, I was wondering how well you have been tested for other possible conditions? Have you tested low for Cortisol, Aldosterone or serum ACTH or had a ACTH stimulation test? These should be done to see if there is another cause like Addisons etc rather than attributing everything to CFS, Forinef is a medication that helps people with adrenal conditions like Addisons.

Having Low sodium and high potassium means you could have one of these 19 conditions

Its possible that you have two conditions, but assuming you have one condition if you add the low ferritin to the other two results then there is only two possible conditions, Sprue Gluten Enteropathy (fancy medical name for Celiacs) and Renal failure Chronic see

If the low Ferritin is a separate issue your doctor should be finding the cause, people dont run low on Iron without a reason, and unless you havent been eating properly for a long time the medical cause should be found, it shouldnt just be treated with iron supplements, possible causes of low ferritin are listed here

Hope this helps in some way, people get misdiagnosed with CFS all the time, so its really important to get all other possibilities ruled out.

All the best
Hi RLC - I had a reason why I was low on ferritin, so the cause for that is explained, and it is completely separate from CFS. I have been tested for Celiac's and am negative.

I have had adrenals tested, many cortisol tests (both blood and saliva) and had ACTH stim test. My cortisol levels are just below lab range and ACTH is below range (although ACTH is not a reliable indicator of pituitary activity because it is not a stable diagnostic indicator).

I don't have Addison's (aka primary adrenal insufficiency). I have secondary adrenal insufficiency - which means it is a problem in the Hypothalmus or Pituitary Gland when working to stimulate adrenals. I had MRI brain scan to ensure there are no tumors, cysts or lesions on the brain, so there is no explanation for H/P problem - except for CFS, which coincides with non-adrenal-related symptoms and signs.

Florinef can be used to help with POTS, OI, chronic postural hypotension, as well as low adrenal output (primarily aldosterone).



Senior Member
The other side.
I assumed vertigo was normal for pwME as I've had episodes of it for a long time, when it's bad it can be tricky to live with but at the levels i have it normally, whilst uncomfortable, it can be adapted to. My iron levels are mid range according to an NHS test last week.


Senior Member
I find that reading/PC/looking at things close to me, is bad for this. I'm using a balance ball to try to train up the balance parts of my brain... mine is also really migraine related. Good luck.

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
Vertigo or dizziness?

I have both and there is a real difference between the two.
I get dizzy when I walk too long or if I lift up my head (looking at the upper shelves in the supermarket)
or if I change position too fast. It's a feeling of unsteadiness.

The vertigo is the most awful symptom I have experienced. If I turn in bed, the room start spinning
around me and I literally need to hang on to things. It's like being in a roller coaster ride (the ones that
spin!). You feel that you will throw up and you fall if you try to stand up.

Both have different causes:


Senior Member
Yeah - when I get a rare vertigo attack, it is by far the worst symptom I have to endure (although normally does not last long).