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Key Mechanism in EBV Found!


Senior Member
Bay Area, California
Key Mechanism for the Proliferation of Epstein-Barr Virus Discovered​

Check this out:


January 14, 2010

Scientists of Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen have elucidated a crucial mechanism in the lytic cycle of Epstein-Barr virus. A team of researchers led by Professor Wolfgang Hammerschmidt identified the function of a protein which plays a critical role in the proliferation of the virus. The Epstein-Barr virus can induce cancer. The findings, published in the current issue of the renowned journal PNAS, represent a major step forward in understanding tumor development.

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a virus of the herpes family
, has two distinct life phases: After infecting a cell it first goes into a resting phase.

Many of us know that resting phase. I think that's when many of us who were stricken down by EBV experience a remission.


Senior Member
I agree Teejkay even though I've never had a full remissiion.
I'm curious as to why no one has posted here.Is it that most sufferers have CFS/ME and have not been diagnosed with EBV?


Senior Member
I agree Teejkay even though I've never had a full remissiion.
I'm curious as to why no one has posted here.Is it that most sufferers have CFS/ME and have not been diagnosed with EBV?

Hi, I don't know about anyone else in the UK but I have never been tested for it.


Senior Member
That's what I was diagnosed with 23 years ago.I was very sick and every other test came back normal.I called a naturopath who recommened getting an EBV test.I'd never heard of it until then.My results came back through the roof.
It might be worth getting tested if you can.I know it's hard to have anything done in the UK..


Senior Member
That's what I was diagnosed with 23 years ago.I was very sick and every other test came back normal.I called a naturopath who recommened getting an EBV test.I'd never heard of it until then.My results came back through the roof.
It might be worth getting tested if you can.I know it's hard to have anything done in the UK..

My New GP is only interested in my weight although I did persuade her once to take my blood pressure.

Some may be lucky and have a decent GP but most of them are only gatekeepers to the NHS (the bouncer on the door) to keep us out and save the system money.
Wild Wild West, US
I got sick and tired of asking my PCP to test me and finally asked my neurologist to do it. I was really surprised to find out I had EBV and Mono. Now I saw an infectious disease doctor last week to get tested for XMRV and I told him I would like to get tested for all the Herpes virus and he just smiled and denied my request. Why? What is wrong with the medical profession today??
Wild Wild West, US
I forgot to add my thanks to you teejkay for posting this. Maybe I can convince the doctor to test me now with this info

Key Mechanism for the Proliferation of Epstein-Barr Virus Discovered
January 14, 2010

Scientists of Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen have elucidated a crucial mechanism in the lytic cycle of Epstein-Barr virus. A team of researchers led by Professor Wolfgang Hammerschmidt identified the function of a protein which plays a critical role in the proliferation of the virus. The Epstein-Barr virus can induce cancer. The findings, published in the current issue of the renowned journal PNAS, represent a major step forward in understanding tumor development.

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a virus of the herpes family, has two distinct life phases: After infecting a cell it first goes into a resting phase. Under certain circumstances the virus can become active - and then induces tumor growth or promotes its synthesis in the cell. Especially in patients with weakened immune systems, EBV can cause its host cells to divide uncontrollably - causing a tumor to develop.

I am riddled with tumors from head to toe.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
in australia they dont test ebv titre levels , just positive or negative. My doc tested my lymphocyte levels which were elevated and have been for awhile, my doc speculated it was ebv reactivating as elevated lymphocytes indicate a viral infection. Anyway 12 months of antivirals have improved me quite a bit. Still have the odd crash which is frustrating but have improved alot. Have AV's on hand and do a 10 day course if i feel a relapse coming on and glands become painful. I think ebv and cmv reactivation are alot more common then most docs realise.


Senior Member
Bay Area, California
I forgot to add my thanks to you teejkay for posting this. Maybe I can convince the doctor to test me now with this info

Key Mechanism for the Proliferation of Epstein-Barr Virus Discovered
January 14, 2010

I am riddled with tumors from head to toe.


I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you find a doctor who can help you.



Senior Member
Bay Area, California
in australia they dont test ebv titre levels , just positive or negative. My doc tested my lymphocyte levels which were elevated and have been for awhile, my doc speculated it was ebv reactivating as elevated lymphocytes indicate a viral infection. Anyway 12 months of antivirals have improved me quite a bit. Still have the odd crash which is frustrating but have improved alot. Have AV's on hand and do a 10 day course if i feel a relapse coming on and glands become painful. I think ebv and cmv reactivation are alot more common then most docs realise.

Good to hear from you heapsreal. :) I'm glad you've benefited from taking Anti-Vs.



You guys probably know this.....Many of us have had re-activated EBV, but see it as just a symptom diagnosing a perturbed immune system. The full EBV Chronic/Active infection panel will differentiate Acute-Convalescent-Chronic or Reactivated-Old infection. An antibody test for postive vs negative is quite worthless for our purposes. Of course one could have chronic active EBV disease and be sick from that alone, or be sick with exacerbations, but typically for ME/CFS the EBV is just re-activated along with other pathogens the immune system could no longer contain.


in australia they dont test ebv titre levels , just positive or negative. My doc tested my lymphocyte levels which were elevated and have been for awhile, my doc speculated it was ebv reactivating as elevated lymphocytes indicate a viral infection. Anyway 12 months of antivirals have improved me quite a bit. Still have the odd crash which is frustrating but have improved alot. Have AV's on hand and do a 10 day course if i feel a relapse coming on and glands become painful. I think ebv and cmv reactivation are alot more common then most docs realise.

So glad to hear the meds helped you. I too just came off a year of anti-viral meds...IV Vistide. It knocked the CMV back down and brought me back to the land of the living. I'm praying to not relapse. I was negative for HHV6&7, and my EBV is not active...so it was only the CMV that was being hammered and allowing improvement in symptoms, as far as we know. May I ask which med you were on? Valcyte?


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
famvir is what i have taken, my lymphocyte levels dropped as i improved on famvir. My last test, my cd8 lymphocytes were just outside normal range, all other subsets were within range which is very different pre av's. I now have a large supply of valtrex on hand which i got cheap, if i need them. Glad to hear you are back with the living too.