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Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
What you are after is the hydrocortisone component. If you are unable to locate any isocort (weird...my dessicated thyroid dried up this week too) and can not find a Dr to prescribe, you still have access to what you need.

For weeks, I took hydrocortisone ointment and squirted it into capsules to get what I needed until I found a Dr who "got it". I ran this decision past the people at the Poison Control Centre and they did not have a problem with it. Lots of older folks take "mineral spirits" daily for chronic constipation and it is the same stuff.

It is a cost-effective way to get your needs met....at least in the short term.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I'm in the same boat. I've taken Isocort for years. I really like the flexibility of dosing those tiny pellets allow.

One thing I'm considering is pregnenolone drops or a transdermal since pregnenolone can convert to cortisol. I'll also ask a compounding pharmacist if he can come up with something comparable to Isocort with a doctor's prescription.


Senior Member
Chicago suburbs
I heard that Isocort is no longer available due to the FDA. It makes sense, because Isocort was essentially the same thing as hydrocortisone. I'm surprised that they were able to sell it for all this time without any trouble.

The only real substitute for Isocort would be hydrocortisone, since you can take precise doses. There are numerous adrenal cortex glandulars available, but none of them are standardized the way Isocort was. So you never really know how much cortisol will be in each capsule. It might be worth trying though, since there are people who do well with the non-Isocort glandulars.