Is it possible sam'e to work again ?

Hello everybody, I am concerned a bit about my supplements, I used to take sam'e for cfs/major depression 8 months ago. Everything was alright compared to my last treatments with meds even lithium, cause ad's caused mood swings. The problem later, cause I had not first episode, I had developed neurogenic pain in pelvic area, this is from anxiety. Sam'e supplement still has helped me, but from consistant pain and stress later on till december effect has begun to diminish. I've used to take it with b group vitamins, they has helped a lot. I need your suggestions people, maybe its somehow related with methylation process.



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SAM-e needs to be balanced with the B vitamins for methylation to work properly. I would start with taking a look at Rich Van K's Simple Methylation Protocol.
Thanks for answer. You see when I've just started using it, I didnt know about b group vitamins. So couple weeks later I was sinking down and then I've just accidentally found out about those vitamins, so instantly I've felt good. Now whats going on, I don't know, I think maybe stress took over sam'e efficasy and depressed mood find a new way to emerge.
You probably tanked your Glutathione with with Lithium you took. Sam-e is too weak to bring you out of it now, while it may have helped in the past. Are you on the Methylation Protocol or are you starting out? If you are trying to do Methyl B12 and Methylfolate, wait and see. Otherwise take Gluthatione and see if you can yank yourself out of this. Once you are stable, don't stay on the Glutathione for too long, the Methylation Protocol should take care of your own Glutathione Production more or less.
Thanks, I'vent started yet. But I am considering what to do. I have a book right now, by Bill Walsh about nutritions. There are groups of depression, and one are undermethylation. So with sam'e experience was great. If problem is with methylation I will try NAC and I'll see how things are changing. I think the best gluthatione source n-acetylcysteine is.. Also I think if methylation is corrected in some way, sam'e can work again.
Yeah, that sounds like a great idea!I'll check into NAC, too. Folks say you can't absorb oral Gluthatione that comes in pills, and I tried Jarrow Brand, and I am 100% sure I am absorbing it. On my third day and scars, dark spots are lightening. etc. I ve had a steady improvement on B12 and Folate, but I wanted to speed things up.
Sounds good too, I've already tried methyl folate and b12 but nothing. I mean it was everything when I have only started it sam'e, but didn't know that I must combine. So later when I've figured out, efficasy was superb.