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IP6 and chelation and Arsenic


Senior Member
I am really struggling with high arsenic levels as well as mercury and aluminum. I had the 24 hr urine test.

I have been taking IP6 because it can chelate iron. I am glad to see that it DID help when I was hit with gadolinium and showed low levels.

has anyone used IP6?

I am reacting to almost ALL foods and supplements now. I was poisoned wit arsenic over a ten year period from eating rice treated with chcken crap. The chickens are fed arsenic to keep away bird flu and ORGANIC RICE FARMERS use it! Even the best known organic rice farmers as the FDA will not regulate.

I called the most famous organic rice co in the US and they said it's 70 PPB in the rice!!!! And I was eating about 15 rice cakes a day.

Would love info on IP6 if anyone has used it......