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Inflammation "Burning Head" symptom and Insomnia?


Senior Member
Sorry if this is a vague question, but I'm wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this sensation:

Their head/base of skull with a kind of extreme inflammatory/warmth feeling, and a kind of feeling of burning type stimulation ONLY THE BRAIN (body dead exhausted!) which preceeds an episode of Insomnia or extremely poor sleep?

I have noticed this several times lately. OTC NSAIDS (Advil) provide some relief, but my stomach can't tolerate them all the time.



Senior Member
Hi TheMoonIsBlue

My Head/ Brain constantly feel’s as if it's on fire. The intensity can very but it's always there 24/7/365. Doesn't matter how much or how little sleep I get though. My Doctors don't do anything about it they either deny it, say its allergies or a sinus infection.


Senior Member
I got this when I pushed detox too hard. Think it was excitotoxicity. Nebulise some glutathione.. see if that helps.


Senior Member
I have had this symptom before, and I think it is neurological in nature, I always ended up with a cold wet towel over my head when it was at its worst. Hope it disappears for you soon ~Sleepy


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
a good night of insomnia has my brain sizzling like a frying pan. When u see inflammation written i always think of RICE rest ice compression elevation, mmmmm maybe i should walk into the docs with an ice pack bandaged to my head and ask him to cure my insomnia. I dont use it all the time but when i get in those states where my head is going to explode because of poor sleep and im cranky at everything etc this is when i drop a seroquel for sleep, 98% of the time im out cold within an hour and get a solid 8 hours and wake up feeling pretty good like i do now. Its a pitty it only works once or twice a week but lucky if i use it once a fortnight, it really helps with that inflammation u get from sleep debt.



Senior Member
Just wanted to say thanks for the replies. Last night (morning) was bad again. Someone mentioned to me it could be the methylation supplements. I was only taking Folapro and a small dose of B12. So I stopped the B12 totally. Was weaning down to 100mcg of Folapro (1/8 of a tab). Guess I'll stop it. But....I've had this problem way before I started the Methyl supplements also.

Hormones a mess. Feel like all my viruses flaring up again. All this results in my body shutting down but my head/brain FRIED, burning, buzzing, barely able to sleep. Feeling dead but also feeling like I have adrenaline surging through my body just to keep me alive (but unable to fall asleep). The slightest NOISE will send like a shockwave through my body when it is really bad.

To sick to get to a doctor. Usually pointless anyways. I guess this is what eventually happens when you have so many health problems from a medical condition that no one understands.

What a mess. Sorry for complaining.
I've had the exact same symptom

Hi -- this is my first time posting on Phoenix Rising. I'm a 24-year-old male (nearly 25). I've had CFS since I was 18. The last seven years have seen me experience all the usual CFS symptoms, but the above -- the burning head and insomnia -- is the one that has bedeviled me the most in the last year. I've been experiencing exactly this sensation. Exactly. The description above really captures what I've been feeling uncannily. Not a single doctor I've seen has been helpful at all. They don't understand what it is and are useless to assist me. I'm just really gratified to have found someone else who has experienced it -- even if I still don't have any solutions. I agree that NSAIDS can help a tiny bit, but really only a very tiny bit and not very often.
I guess this is just another case of us needing to bond together in the absence of answers. Being together and without treatment is better than being alone without it.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hi -- this is my first time posting on Phoenix Rising. I'm a 24-year-old male (nearly 25). I've had CFS since I was 18. The last seven years have seen me experience all the usual CFS symptoms, but the above -- the burning head and insomnia -- is the one that has bedeviled me the most in the last year. I've been experiencing exactly this sensation. Exactly. The description above really captures what I've been feeling uncannily. Not a single doctor I've seen has been helpful at all. They don't understand what it is and are useless to assist me. I'm just really gratified to have found someone else who has experienced it -- even if I still don't have any solutions. I agree that NSAIDS can help a tiny bit, but really only a very tiny bit and not very often.
I guess this is just another case of us needing to bond together in the absence of answers. Being together and without treatment is better than being alone without it.

the answer is a good nights sleep, how to achieve that is the million dollar question.