Improving with ABX, finally?


Senior Member
Hi to everybody,

I always try not to write about my improvements unless they are significant and lasting. However, I know many of you are following similar treatments than mine, so any update can be very useful.

Several months ago I wrote about my worsening, probably due to the die off, while treating Borrelia with ABX. Well, it seems that this horrible period has passed (cross fingers!)

Ok,.after the past 5 months on the ABX and the rest of the treatment, there're 2 improvements I consider very positive:

1- I have gained 5 Kgs, reaching this way my ideal weight. The important thing is that I don't lose them by pushing myself as I did before (and I am not either eating more nor exercising more frequently--actually the opposite as I am in examns!).

2- It's been like 9 days in row that I go to sleep early (for a spanish! :) and I wake up early as well, after sleeping 8 hours, with enough energy to get up and do my things. it's is not like the typical sporadic adrenaline surges I suffered from time to time. This is more like "what it should be". In other words, my cyrcadian rythm seems to be normal after 9 years of disease.

As far as energy levels, they are back to those I had before starting the ABX. That is, about a 50-70% (depending on the day), that allows me to study the whole day, without the need of lying down.

I do know from experience that improvements never are linear, so I expect ups and downs. But still, I feel these two improvements as very hopeful, b/c normally metabolic and hormonal changes precede real imporvements in energy levels and therefore in cognitive function (brain fog).

Soooooooo!, let's cross fingers, I send you to you all a lot of strength to hang in (I've passed 4 months in the hell of HERX!), and of course I'll continue posting my updates, for good or bad (hopefully the first ones!)




Senior Member
Hi! After... 1 month... Yeap! then 4 months of Herx, and now these 10 days of rest, or maybe is gone? We'll see...