
Spinney Lainey

Senior Member
I've been hearing talk of immunovir on forums. Does anyone take it? If so, how did you go about getting it? I don't have any evidence that I have any specific recurring viruses but seasonal viruses and colds effect me so badly and have a poor immune system, so was wondering if this might help me...........

Opinions would be gratefully received and if you think it would help me, where can I get it prescribed from....?


Senior Member
Washington , DC area
I don't know where you are located, but immunovir is not available in the US so I take inosine, which is a major componant of immunovir and is available over the counter. You can get it on Amazon or some vitamin stores carry it.

I am not sure whether it is doing anything for me, but a lot of people seem to take inosine or imunovir along with valcyte, which I am taking, so I thought I would give it a try.

If you do try inosine, it is recomended to start with a very low dose and taper up. I started with half a tablet and increased to 2 tablets a day, increasing by half a tablet every three days.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i got imunovir from these guys and saw an increase in nk numbers with it, im also on antivirals.

Currently just started inosine, have been off immunovir for awhile. Was looking at getting testing done to compare nk numbers after using both.

Im also using AHCC to help increase nk numbers etc and have had some tests done, will get results of these in a week or so.


Senior Member
IP6 is a known immune supplement in the US: Inositol Hexaphosphate 6. It is a derivative of Inositol like what Immunovir is. It is actually quite cheap and is know to increase NKC.
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Senior Member
Equilibrant also has immune modulatory effects, and can be ordered without prescription, so it's another option if you're not able to get access to the Immunovir. I haven't tried Immunovir yet, but since the Equilibrant was helpful I'm hoping to explore other immune mods shortly. Best wishes in finding something that works out for you.

As a caution, some people have some temporary issues when they first start these types of things (i.e. feeling super duper extra viral). Worth mentioning, just in case someone hadn't heard yet. I knew in advance that it might be an issue, but still wasn't fully prepared for how hard it was on me. Totally worth it, though. After the initial couple weeks, the upswing for me was huge.

Spinney Lainey

Senior Member
Hi guys, I'm in UK. So will look into my options here. Have all of you been diagnosed with specific viruses, or are you just using it to help with your immune systems?


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hi guys, I'm in UK. So will look into my options here. Have all of you been diagnosed with specific viruses, or are you just using it to help with your immune systems?

both, my onset was 3 different herpes viruses within a 6 month period, cmv/chickenpox/ebv. I have had ongoing immune activation(elevated lymphocytes eg cd4 cd8 cd3) as well as low nk function and low neutrophils. Treating these viruses with antivirals has improved some of these immune markers as well as general condition.

Even if u cant get tested but can get inosine or immunovir its probably worth trying as most cfs/me people have low nk function or some other t cell dysfunction. As for active herpes viruses, this tends to be a sub group who respond to antivirals and even testing for this is an educated guess. I just dont think one knows if antivirals will help until they trial them but there are many if or buts. Some can be positive to herpes viruses and not respond as they may have bacterial co infections going on that also need treating, this seems to be common for non responders. Or some may have dormant herpes viruses and they arent an issue but again testing for this is still in the dark ages??

So could have just some type of chronic bacterial infection or entero viral infection or combination of the lot. Now that i have confused you, i guess im saying that testing can be helpful but seems to be far from accurate and probably trialling different treatments is the only way to know??


Senior Member
ok so wth does 'super duper extra viral' mean ?

That's the technical term. ;)

For me, the glands in my throat got very sore and swollen, my throat got sore, I had bad chills, less energy, and that specific kind of wretched feeling that I would once have had when I needed to call in sick from work. Felt like having a cold or flu, except ramped up through the roof. With full disclosure, it's probably the sickest I've ever felt in my life. But the worst of it didn't last too many days, and the results by a few weeks later were absolutely worth it. I also might have had a bit of a worse time of it than most, because I suspect there was some Bartonella die-off involved for me, but I've heard similar things from other people, so perhaps not. I started with only a quarter tablet, and each time I've increased the dose I've felt worse again for a couple of weeks (though not anywhere near the level of that first time. More like the level of a regular cold).

Spinney Lainey

Senior Member
Hmm, so do you think I should try Immunovir, Equilibriant or Inosine first? Is there any chance my NHS doctor would prescribe it?


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
inosine is cheap and a good first start. capsules generally come 500mg.

My suggestion would be to start off with just 1 in the morning for a few days and see how u go. Some people can experience a worsening of symptoms others dont?? if u tolerate that add a second pill at night. Slowly work your way up to 2 in the morning and 2 at night. Once u can tolerate this then look at cycling the dose alternating weekly doses from 1 pill twice a day to 2 pills twice a day with weekends off and every few months take a few weks off.

I dont have a link but recall 2000mg of inosine is equivilant amount of inosine that is in the 3000mg mg recommended dose of immunovir. so a dosing schedule of inosine should probably be lower then that of immunovir??

The other concerns of inosine/immunovir is that it can raise uric acid levels which are high in people with gout, but uric acid is also know to work in the body as an antioxidant in combination with cholesterol. So not always a bad thing. Also remember that this antioxidant effect may be the reason for improvement in some and not neccessarily improvements in immune function or a combination of both??

Also remember some have to start on even lower dosage schedules and frequencies, one has to play around with it to find what suits. You may not have any negative issues at all but its good to be aware they can happen.

You can get inosine cheap enough from places like iherb, i will plug my 10% discount code in my profile pic/avatar, but up to you.

hope this helps,

Spinney Lainey

Senior Member
Can anyone recommend a make of inosine from UK? Swansons do a cheap one, so am thinking of going for this but do you get what you pay for?? They seem to vary a lot in price.
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iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Sorry cant help u there, the shipping to australia from iherb is quite cheap, use my discount number plus one collects awards points for each order that makes the next order cheaper.


Senior Member
Can anyone recommend a make of inosine from UK? Swansons do a cheap one, so am thinking of going for this but do you get what you pay for?? They seem to vary a lot in price.

I can't comment on UK inosine specifically, but in general with supplements I've found that I often do get what I pay for. My current strategy and advice when trying anything new is to start with an expensive and well-respected brand to gauge how much it helps. Then once you know what to expect from the good stuff, you can move to a cheaper brand if you want to and see if it still has the same level of effect. If I start with a cheaper brand and it does nothing, I can never tell whether that supplement just doesn't work for me, or if it's just that brand that doesn't (early on, I wrote off a few things that turned out to be really helpful, because I didn't realize yet there could be such a difference between brands).

I wouldn't go too cheap, though, regardless. In addition to poorer absorption or less pure ingredients, there can sometimes be contamination issues with really cheap supplements. There shouldn't be, and they all claim to test for those kinds of things, but it still happens. The last thing we need when our bodies are already struggling is a dose of lead or mold or something similarly toxic.

Spinney Lainey

Senior Member
I'm a bit confused because the supplements I'm looking at seem to think inosine is for ATP production and counteracting muscle fatigue - which could be very useful to me but I thought this was supposed to be an immune supplement?!

Spinney Lainey

Senior Member
I can't comment on UK inosine specifically, but in general with supplements I've found that I often do get what I pay for. My current strategy and advice when trying anything new is to start with an expensive and well-respected brand to gauge how much it helps. Then once you know what to expect from the good stuff, you can move to a cheaper brand if you want to and see if it still has the same level of effect. If I start with a cheaper brand and it does nothing, I can never tell whether that supplement just doesn't work for me, or if it's just that brand that doesn't (early on, I wrote off a few things that turned out to be really helpful, because I didn't realize yet there could be such a difference between brands).

I wouldn't go too cheap, though, regardless. In addition to poorer absorption or less pure ingredients, there can sometimes be contamination issues with really cheap supplements. There shouldn't be, and they all claim to test for those kinds of things, but it still happens. The last thing we need when our bodies are already struggling is a dose of lead or mold or something similarly toxic.

I thought this might be true but Swansons vitamins seem to have a good reputation and they do a really cheap one......Anyone else tried Swansons vitamins?


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I'm a bit confused because the supplements I'm looking at seem to think inosine is for ATP production and counteracting muscle fatigue - which could be very useful to me but I thought this was supposed to be an immune supplement?!

its commonly used by athletes for that purpose and is mostly what it is marketed for, but it also has immune modulatory effects. The immune cfs gurus such us Dr Nancy Klimas recommends inosine, google inosine and nancy klimas should get u a few hits?