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Immune Metabolism: Probing Drugs to Starve Overactive Immune Cells


Senior Member
East Coast USA
"Putting Immune Cells on a Diet: To Treat Immune Illnesses Researchers are Probing Drugs that Could Starve Troublemaker Cells", Science, 30 March 2018:


"Focusing on the metabolism of overactive immune cells offers a way to directly target these cells while sparing immune function, " Jonathan Powell, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine..."Potentially all immunologic diseases are targets for metabolic therapies."

Glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation are areas being studied.

The FDA approved MS drug, dimethyl fumarate, suppresses immune cells by crippling an enzyme necessary for glycolysis demonstrating the pathway can be targeted by drugs Johns Hopkins researchers report.


Senior Member
East Coast USA
A feature article like this indicates "immune metabolism" is a "hot topic" in the scientific community at large.

Good that Naviaux (Davis), Hanson, Lipkin (Fiehn) and Unutmaz are focused on it.

Reported in the same issue NIH received an "unexpected" $3 billion raise... hopefully some of that will find its way to this much needed critical ME/CFS research.
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