I'm Irish. Does anyone know any good ME/CFS specialists in Europe?

I saw some threads about the guy in Brussels, De Meirlear. My CFS started with a virus plus I don't have any stomach symptoms so I'm not sure if he's the way to go (plus also read something about some controversy he's embroiled in?) Any other docs? I'm thinking particulary France or The Netherlands as I know they have good healthcare systems.


Senior Member
I'm seeing de meirleir this month for the first time. I don't have any known stomach issues but think he is probably the best option in Europe none the less. not aware of any controversy. Only one thing I read online that when i looked into it didnt stand up from several years ago. Not sure what other docs there are outside the US really. There is a doc in Wales who focuses on mitochondria I think. Someone else will probably know more about that and post a reply.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I saw some threads about the guy in Brussels, De Meirlear. My CFS started with a virus plus I don't have any stomach symptoms so I'm not sure if he's the way to go (plus also read something about some controversy he's embroiled in?) Any other docs? I'm thinking particulary France or The Netherlands as I know they have good healthcare systems.

Replied by "Conversation." I am his patient and have had very good experiences. Yes, he is perhaps best known for his interest in the gut, and while many of us have gut issues without symptoms, he treats what he finds through testing. For me that has meant a lot of work on the immune system and pathogens.

Best wishes,
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I'll look into them! Was also considering maybe a skype consultation with Dr. Klimas in Florida.