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I'm falling apart - can anyone help

I posted a thread last week and since then I have ordered the 23.me test. The thing is I feel like I am Falling apart.
Yesterday I had a reaction to my usual makeup therefore I took an antihistamine tablet and I woke up today to find I feel how I feel after taking b vitamins and ssri ,s. I feel severed brain fog, emotional, anxious and aggressive an a total zombie .

I am getting married in two months and things are going down hill dramatically, this is effecting my life and my relationship. I just don't know what to do next.

I have also had my ferritin level and it is now 4. My gp has offered me and iron infusion but I'm keep putting it off due to the fact that I may react to that also like I did with b12 shot.

Does anyone have any advice or information as to what supplements may just me to navigate through till I have te 23.me test done


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
U can take iron tablets and use vitamin c which helps iron absorption. If u cant tolerate iron tablets then dessicated liver tablets would do the trick and u can take a large amount of liver supps too.

The process leading up to getting married can be stressful, a valium sandwich can help here and there to help one sleep and rest which is important when under extra stress.


Senior Member
Lisa, I can't really help, but I'm sorry about all the stress crashing over you all at once. I agree with Heaps that you should get right on fixing the ferritin level...because it's something you can fix, and then you can see what's left.
Hi thanks

Thanks for your quick response its much appreciated. I have never taken any liver support before, I am taking a probiotic supplement an see to be ok with that. Is liver support milk thistle ?

I am feeling very stressed regarding the weeding but I think it seems to be accelerating my current issues.

Thanks Lisa x


Senior Member
I posted a thread last week and since then I have ordered the 23.me test. The thing is I feel like I am Falling apart.
Yesterday I had a reaction to my usual makeup therefore I took an antihistamine tablet and I woke up today to find I feel how I feel after taking b vitamins and ssri ,s. I feel severed brain fog, emotional, anxious and aggressive an a total zombie .

I am getting married in two months and things are going down hill dramatically, this is effecting my life and my relationship. I just don't know what to do next.

I have also had my ferritin level and it is now 4. My gp has offered me and iron infusion but I'm keep putting it off due to the fact that I may react to that also like I did with b12 shot.

Does anyone have any advice or information as to what supplements may just me to navigate through till I have te 23.me test done

So sorry you're feeling bad. Regarding your ferritin levels, years ago when my ferritin was down at 3- I felt horrible! This would also explain your symptoms- aggression, anxiety etc. I felt dizzy and out of breath at that level. Start with iron supplements taken with vit C as someone else suggested. It can take up to 8 months of supplementation in order to reach optimal levels (40-50). You'll feel improved once your levels are at least up to 20, so hopefully you can feel better on your wedding day.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hi thanks

Thanks for your quick response its much appreciated. I have never taken any liver support before, I am taking a probiotic supplement an see to be ok with that. Is liver support milk thistle ?

I am feeling very stressed regarding the weeding but I think it seems to be accelerating my current issues.

Thanks Lisa x
not liver support but actual dessicated liver which is high in natural iron and b12, it use to be a popular supplement for bodybuilders in the 1960s and 70s to help endurance through its high iron/b12 content and for its protein. Not so popular anymore because other supplements are more available but the liver supps are cheap and would be effective for anemia. I mention the liver supps as some get constipated on iron supps or dont absorb it well.

Yes I think I need to deal with the anemia ASAP. I am back to the gp to make my decision regards to the iron infusion, iI think that will be quicker to get my levels up. I will also try the liver. Thank you for all your support and will keep you all updated.

Thanks Lisa x
Thanks , I am really nervous re the iron infusion just in case I have a reaction like all the other meds, il keep my fingers crossed. Can I ask when your ferritin was so low did you feel pains and twinges especially in your arms and legs and chest area.

Thanks Lisa x


Senior Member
Hi Lisa,

I'm not sure if you're addressing the question to me, but no I did not feel any pains or twinges when my ferritin was low.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Low Ferritin is very common in ME/CFS (according to my CFS specialist who finds a lot of his CFS patients have this issue).

Just supporting your liver, I personally do not think would be enough so you are going to have to supplement in some way too. (that being said, you could still try taking something to help support your liver at the same time).

Seeing your wedding is real soon and this issue is affecting things including your relationship, if it was me, I'd be putting a lot of weight into getting the issue fixed fast when waying up possibly risks. What's worst, risking a possible bad temporary reaction or being affected by this issue for quite a while while trying to get levels up.

I hope you've had a long talk with your soon husband to be about what you'd both do if your condition continues to degenerate.

Ive noticed something with my Ferritin, when mine goes abnormally low, my vitamin D is lower too.


Senior Member
take n acetyl glucosamine to fix your gut. the stuff works miracles. high dose....like double the bottle's recommended dose.