ileocecal valve spasm in gut (hip/shoulder pain)

Hi all,
It seems like spasm in my ileocecal valve is the cause of my disorder because it precedes all the symptoms (for 25 years.) I've always had this hip/shoulder pain on my right side and If I poke at my ileocecal valve during the hip shoulder pain, the pain gets worse (which means I've worsened the spasm). It's not like I've got a video of this spasm but physical examination suggests that's what is happening. The hip/shoulder pain is followed by "sepsis" symptoms which is followed by systemic candida and further deterioration.

So even if I take really good care of my digestive system, I can't get better because once a month my ovaries cause spasms in my ileocecal valve. Generally to soothe my valve I avoid corn, glyphosate, histamine and sugars (which trigger inflammation for me). I also take daily dandelion root and probiotics, and I take a low water dose of nux vomica to relax my guts.

Any other ideas to deal with this ileocecal valve spasm thing?


(Btw to pull out of "sepsis" I require a high dose of Sulphur (homeopathic). For me "sepsis" means I'm cold, dry (mouth,eyes) and have low energy. Maybe this will help other people.)
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Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Hi @may2 - how do your ovaries cause spasms in your ileocecal valve? Many years ago I had trouble with my ileocecal valve getting stuck open. I had dull pain in my lower right abdomen and also felt fluish and sick. My regular MD did a barium enema, found nothing and sent me home. No better, of course. Then I saw my chiropractor who does muscle testing and he found that my ileocecal valve was stuck open and s**t literally was backing up into my body, making me feel sick.

He gently pressed on the valve and using muscle testing was able to determine when it was closed. I learned to do this myself as the problem recurred several times. I was under severe stress at the time (living in the same house as my to-be-ex husband) and the problem stopped when the stress resolved (he moved out).

So do you think it's a hormonal issue for you? Here's an interesting article about the ileocecal valve:

You might try a chiro or other practitioner who does muscle testing who might be able to help you sort this out.
Hi @Mary,
I'm pretty sure the ovaries are right under the ileocecal valve and that's why when I menstruate I get the spasm in my ileocecal valve.
When your s**t backs up you feel like you have a stomach bug, when my s**t backs up I go into "sepsis". So there's some leaky gut action happening with me as well I'd guess. Maybe when the valve is just a bit leaky the s**t gets absorbed better in the small intestine?? I think I take just the right probiotics (L.Plantarum 299v and L. Rhamnosus) to deal with leaky gut but I'm always open to suggestions.

I discovered something called Feldenkrais - it's somewhat similar to seeing a chiropractor because if you see a practitioner she aligns your body first. But it also involves training your muscles to do the right thing (not spasm) using very simple exercises that you can do yourself at home. I've stopped doing them, and I should probably be doing them every day. Thanks for the suggestion!

If I were to press on my valve the spasm( and hip pain) would get much worse and would last for days and I would have trouble walking and I would also get very sick and weak. I only poked it once or twice to test that was the cause and now I don't go near it!
I'm not under a great deal of stress nor am I an anxious person and I don't think the valve is stuck open. I think the valve was probably damaged at some point. Maybe paralyzed by the Lyme disease or the tetracycline or both, and then it got stretched out, and now it will never work quite right - like an old athletic injury.

I'm glad he got out of the house!!


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@may2 - I've heard of Feldenkrais before but never knew anything about. It sounds very interesting! Yeah, it does sound like we have different issues re the ileocecal valve. I haven't had any problems with it since the extreme stress of 2003 with my ex.

@ljimbo423 has done a lot of research on leaky gut and ME/CFS, maybe he could weigh in here with some suggestions :nerd:


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
So there's some leaky gut action happening with me as well I'd guess. Maybe when the valve is just a bit leaky the s**t gets absorbed better in the small intestine?? I think I take just the right probiotics (L.Plantarum 299v and L. Rhamnosus) to deal with leaky gut but I'm always open to suggestions.

Hi May2-

Several studies have shown significant dysbiosis and leaky gut in CFS. Dysbiosis often leads to a leaky gut because the bacteria that overgrow in the gut cause low grade inflammation. This inflammation leads to a weakening of what are called the "tight junctions".

These are the glue, so to speak that hold the cells tightly together in the gut. When they become weak, the spaces between the cells open up a little. Allowing an increase in toxins, such as lipopolysaccharides into the bloodstream from the gut. Causing an immune system reaction and symptoms.

Have you looked into treating dysbiosis or the overgrowth of bacteria in your gut? I don't know but the inflammation from the dysbiosis might be causing or worsening your ileocecal valve spasms.
Thanks! Yes certainly the dysbiosis makes the spasms worse and I know that because I can't eat histamine. My histamine levels are already too high so when I eat more histamine I get inflammation, spasms, etc.

Oregano Oil works great for me for the dysbiosis. It sounds like I have to get more aggressive - take oregano oil at least twice a day for a long time and take nux vomica around the clock to relax the guts as well. I'm told the oregano oil is safe but it is very strong.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Oregano Oil works great for me for the dysbiosis. It sounds like I have to get more aggressive - take oregano oil at least twice a day for a long time and take nux vomica around the clock to relax the guts as well. I'm told the oregano oil is safe but it is very strong.

I also think oil of oregano is very safe, even though it's strong. I take oil of oregano every day. I take 2 gelcaps, each one is equal to 1,500 mg oregano. I also take many other herbs for dysbiosis and am slowly improving.

Treating dysbiosis though, is a very difficult long term project for me. I've been taking the equivalent to about 10-12 grams of antibiotic herbs for months now and still haven't completely gotten rid of my dysbiosis. I had read that treating SIBO or dysbiosis was often very difficult but I thought I was different.:D;)

As I said, I am slowly improving so I know I'm moving in the right direction. I just wish I could speed things up a bit!:bang-head::)
In my opinion it is better to do it slowly otherwise the die-off turns me into a crazy person. Homeopathy has a very effective candida killer but if I take it for more than 2 days I become so anxious and on-edge that all I want to do is knock myself out. I'd probably have to binge watch for 2 weeks to get through it. Not possible.