I did a fecal transplant and have not had constipation since.(fatigue is also much better)

I did a fecal transplant for the third time using a different donor(my brother) and my constipation has not returned since. I had very compacted and tight stools before(rabbit pellets) and now I am regularly going once a day.

I am still having other issues and there is reason to suspect that I may have poncets disease( a variant of reactive arthritis and tuberculosis) but my fatigue has greatly improved and this is the only change I made besides a vitamin C injection in my ass which hurt pretty bad if I do say so.

There is reported articles on fecal transplants being effective for cfs sufferers so it is something you may all want to look into, I know its gross but really for everyone out there taking probiotics there is no chance anything you could ever purchase would come close the the efficacy that a fecal transplant could give. There is literally hundreds of strains of bacteria that are in stool and most are not available as probiotics(not to mention digestion of probiotics in stomach acid kills most)

So I thought I would drop a line and let you all know of my success using this method. It has been close to a month since I did the treatment and it did not help the first two times I did it using my wife's stool.


Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
How was the fecal transplant done? Vitamin C could account for the improvement in energy since is the most important nutrient for the adrenal glands.


Senior Member
That's great - I'm happy for you. I hope the improvements stick. I'm very intrigued by FMTs and have done a few myself with no improvement but didn't know I had SIBO at the time and they won't (I don't think) help with that.


Interesting your wife's didn't help, would imply that you share a microbe(s) that she tolerates and that makes you ill. Whereas your brother, even having grown up in the same family, might not. Which would further imply you got whatever you got after leaving home. All speculation of course. Congrats on "sticking" with it.


Senior Member
Can I ask how aggressive you got when you tried probiotics ?

Because I would really like to get to the bottom of this debate on whether you can resolve these issues with probiotics or not. Some swear by it that you can and others like you believe you can never match the power of a fecal transplant.

Because we have a huge problem here with all the people who are suffering and need their gut repopulated but are suffering because they don't end up getting a transplant for the multiple obstacles to getting one. Such as,
A. Finding a doctor that will actually do one, which is supposed to be hard to find.
B. knowing you need one.
C. Actually getting past the gross factor and actually doing it.
D. the latest obstacle which is the FDA is trying to shut these fecal procedures down and blocking doctors from doing them.

So this means alot of people are suffering that could be possibly helped by finding out if there is some possible way to do it with probiotics.
I guess I am asking about the dose you used or the kind of probiotics you used as I think the discrepancy may lie in that area between success and failure.

I would think that if someone could analyze just what strains and how much are in the the transplant that you could replicate the profile in a probiotic supplement. Maybe it is simply quantity and it turns out for example you would need to take a whole bottle of probiotics at once or something like that, or take a whole bottle and dump out the powder put of the caps and do a retention enemea. but no supplement company would ever state that on the label. Most companies just play it safe and say to take one or two a day etc and thats it and if that would never be enough then we give up and then have to resort to fecal transplants. actually it would be more accurate to say the very few that actually do get a fecal transplant.


Senior Member
That is being done at the university near me - Repoopulation is the name of it but is not ready for market yet and I don't know what it will be. I'm sure other centres are working on this too. It is coming.
I'm not sure about the probiotic supplements - I haven't seen any with the main species bacteroides yet.


You can rarely resolve it with probiotics because they do not contain the heavy lifters that reside in the colon and do the work with fecal transplant. That is being studied right now. Most probiotics are transient in the digestive tract anyway which is why you have to keep eating yogurt or taking probiotics. Bifidus does live in the digestive tract.

Also, you don't know what immune system signals are in that fecal transplant.
Their are several problems with ingesting probiotics via mouth. First is that your your stomach is a very effective barrier to bacteria and without treatment with antacids you are going to kill alot of the bacteria you ingest, plain and simple. The second is that the majority of your small intestine with exception of the distal portion(ileum) is colonized with e.coli which is not really in any probiotic strains except one that is not freely offered within the U.S . So these two issues alone show that the probiotics you ingest via mouth are not going to colonize very well.

If you do a fecal transplant you are applying the correct bacteria to the correct area and do not need to deal with the obstructive barrier of the stomach acid which is detrimental to the bacteria. Fecal transplants will not address small intestine bacterial overgrowth but are an excellent option after you have been treated with the correct antibiotics to rid recolonize your colon, of course the underlying reason for your sibo must be addressed.

As far as dosages of probiotics I tried before, I have tried the highly recommended udo's, metagenics, and several other multi strains of probiotics taking as much as 5 pills a day, none of which had any positive effect with the exception of sacchromyces bouraldi, which is actually a topical yeast and non-colonizing but it was effective in constipation.

Addressing the topic of finding a doctor to preform the procedure, I really don't see that being necessary, it took me 5 minutes in the bathroom and it would be a huge hassle to preform at a doctors office I think. I would just look for a donor who said that they have normal bowel movements without any intestinal complaints


Senior Member
The protocol that i have seen people have success with were using either dr. Ohirras or primal defense and taking 12-18 caps per day for 6 months.

I have heard of people putting probiotics in via enema implant avoiding the stomach issue


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hi @donovank730, was wondering how you regard your fecal transplant experiment after two years. Any updates? -- Just ran across this interesting article. Looks like at least a certain percentage of obesity has to do with detrimental gut bacteriia.

Woman experiences unexpected, rapid weight gain after fecal transplant procedure
While there are other possible contributing factors to her weight gain, such as several antibiotics used to treat an infection, a resolution of her C. difficile infection, genetic factors, aging and stress, the woman had never been overweight before the surgery. Previous studies in animals have linked bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and excess weight. In the studies, transfer of gut bacteria from obese to normal-weight mice was found to lead to a marked increase in fat, according to the news release.

The authors suggest clinicians should avoid selecting donors who are overweight, according to the news release. The authors of the study involving mice had also recommended selecting stool donors who are not overweight for fecal transplant.
Hi @donovank730, was wondering how you regard your fecal transplant experiment after two years. Any updates? -- Just ran across this interesting article. Looks like at least a certain percentage of obesity has to do with detrimental gut bacteriia.

Woman experiences unexpected, rapid weight gain after fecal transplant procedure
Hey there, I have taken a TON of antibiotics since than so it is impossible to say if it helped. I am no better off at this point but I don't think the fecal transplant really helped me. Thanks


ME/cfs 1986
Hey there, I have taken a TON of antibiotics since than so it is impossible to say if it helped. I am no better off at this point but I don't think the fecal transplant really helped me. Thanks
Sorry any benefits did not stick. Thank you for sharing your results.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I have taken a TON of antibiotics since than so it is impossible to say if it helped. I am no better off at this point but I don't think the fecal transplant really helped me. Thanks
Hey Donovan, sorry to hear your benefits didn't persist. Unfortunately that seems to all too often be the case with many who report improvements with certain therapies, only to not have them be sustained. -- Thanks much for the update!


Senior Member
I have heard dr. barody recommends the taymount clinic in London for fecal transplants. I think they do them for 10 days. I have also heard from someone who saw a top doctor in the USA who did fecal transplant trials and he said on a vey rare occasion, someone developed some autoimmune condition after the transplant(s). I am not sure if he did them for CFS or not but I do not think its allowed in the USA anymore unless its for c diff or a trial.



Senior Member
We had a dreadful experience at Taymount. We paid a huge deposit and went to the uk. But my daughter got a GI haemorrhage as soon as we got off the plane, and she ended up in hospital, in intensive care for two weeks. I was in touch with Taymount constantly. They never returned the huge deposit. In their books they wrote we were No Show. I pleaded with them,but they said the fecal matter was prepared and spoiled. But this is not so, because my daughter was in hospital there a couple of days before the set appointment. Also,they have NO doctor on staff, at least when we were there over a year ago. Not wise, this. If you are not that sick, I guess it's ok, and worth the risk. But for very sick patients best to have a physician. Dr Borody is the most knowledgeable.
We had a dreadful experience at Taymount. We paid a huge deposit and went to the uk. But my daughter got a GI haemorrhage as soon as we got off the plane, and she ended up in hospital, in intensive care for two weeks. I was in touch with Taymount constantly. They never returned the huge deposit. In their books they wrote we were No Show. I pleaded with them,but they said the fecal matter was prepared and spoiled. But this is not so, because my daughter was in hospital there a couple of days before the set appointment. Also,they have NO doctor on staff, at least when we were there over a year ago. Not wise, this. If you are not that sick, I guess it's ok, and worth the risk. But for very sick patients best to have a physician. Dr Borody is the most knowledgeable.

Thanks for the review brother. I was thinking about going to Taymount, but I am not sure after this review. They are heartless.


Senior Member
Thanks for the review brother. I was thinking about going to Taymount, but I am not sure after this review. They are heartless.

I found them heartless. That's the word. I was in touch with them regularly, daily to let them know the situation. But they are interested in money making. No doctor on staff, or even not even one they can call upon!

Borody is fabulous. I wrote to him about my daughter, and he personally called me more than once free of charge to discuss her condition. But this is a huge trip to Australia. And if she improves we might just try it.

It's dreadful that we can't get this in North America. My doctor contacted the Canadian inventors of Repoopulate and they won't release their product. They're doing a study. Dr Brandt in NY had success with FMT but I can't get through to him, and FDA is watching...FMT is only permitted for recalcitrant cdifficile.

Why do such sick people have to run around the globe for help! It's perverse.