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Hypercoagulation + Low Blood Pressure

Tiger Lily 813

Senior Member
Good Morning All,
I am concerned about my latest lab findings because I do generally have low blood pressure and a tendency to pass out easily (average bp is 90/62), but I was told that I also have hypercoagulation issues and need to take blood thinners such as lumbrokinase or natto. Garlic and fish oils have made me almost pass out so I'm scared to take other blood thinners! Has anyone else been in a similar predicament?
My data-
Blood Pressure- usually about 90/62
Height 5' 3"
Weight 110 lbs.

Prothrombin Fragment 1.2
378 pmol/L (normal range 41-372)
104 nmol/L (optimal range <75; moderate 75-125)
LDL a couple points too high, HDL a couple points too low, despite eating paleo and very clean.

Maybe post viral inflammation, mold, MCAS, not sure yet. 3 months of these issues which are currently expressed as shortness of breath and dermatitis.

Would really appreciate any ideas for how to navigate coagulation with low bp :)

Tiger Lily 813

Senior Member
I'm taking olive leaf, oregano, probiotics, quercetin, ashwaganda and mimosa pudica now. I can take turmeric and tolerate it, makes me a bit tired. I plan to add niacinamide for cholesterol and my skin and because it has been some help in the past.
But very concerned about trying boluke, lumbrokinases or natto.


Senior Member
White willow bark will reduce coagulation without lowering blood pressure.

Its mechanism of action is the same as the one of Aspirin.

I've also begun taking Butcher's Broom, which is an alpha-adrenergic vasoconstrictor. It doesn't contribute to anti-clotting on a microscopic level but is supposed to prevent it by increasing blood flow. But this seems to be one of the most controversial topics in the context of ME, namely if vasoconstriction or vasodilation is part of the problem or both. Butcher's Broom would be a reasonable choice for a supplement, assuming that dysregulated adrenergic signaling is the main contributor to endothelial dysfunction.


Senior Member
Brookfield, Wisconsin
I went through a period of decreasing blood pressure and mine eventually went down to 80/50. This condition lasted until I took Valcyte 12 years ago. I had been taking medication to increase my BP, and was able to stop that medication while on the Valcyte, and I have had pretty normal BP ever since.

A year after I stopped the Valcyte I had a pulmonary embolism (PE) a very painful experience! I have been on warfarin since that happened and need to have regular blood tests so that the dose can be adjusted to keep my INR ( the measurement of blood thickness) in the proper range. I need to tell you that I am not a medical professional and have no knowledge of the actual test procedures, but I am told that the proper range for the INR is between 2 and 3, with 2.5 being ideal.

I would suggest that if at all possible this should be treated by medical professionals and that regular testing should be performed. In my more than 10 years of treatment, I have had many ups and downs of my INR and the warfarin dosage has been adjusted many times to keep me in that proper range. A PE can be a deadly experience at worst and a very painful experience at best.


Senior Member
Natto and lumbrokinase break down fibrin. I don't know how fish oil and garlic work. I would give the proteolytic enzymes a chance, just start slowly.