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Hydrotherapy/Colonic Irrigation - whats your experience with it?

I started doing it recently, and after each session I feel like I've been hit with an elephant tranquiliser, I need to just lie down and sleep. I've been getting headaches too. The only reason for this I can see is that the water must be stirring up stuff in my colon which is getting absorbed and causing these symptoms. If thats the case, then I'm fairly sure the stuff in the colon would have been causing some degree of these symptoms continuously. I've been doing this hydrotherapy every day (on my 5th day) and the days I don't get the symptoms are days I don't leave there with a pain in my stomach. In my experience, the pain happens when a wave of fecal matter is on its way, so I'm guessing the lingering pain is caused by partially dissolved fecal matter that I didn't get out.

Has anyone else here tried hydrotherapy as a remedy for lethargy? My mood and mental clarity seem to be improving since I started doing it.


Senior Member
This is interesting. You seem to have found a connection between what is in your gut and your symptoms.
It makes sense if you think about it. The gut is the place where nutrient absorption occurs, so if its not functioning optimally, all kinds of metabolic pathways will be hindered. A high ratio of bad to good bacteria will create a toxic environment in the gut, and some of those toxic bacterial metabolites will end up in the blood stream. The guy who invented colonoscopies recorded videos of the inside guts of people with all kinds of different ailments, and its a fairly common trend for unhealthy and disease ridden people to have mucous and all kinds of other crap attached to the lining of their intestines. Not only will that hinder nutrient absorption, it'll putrefy and cause various toxic stuff to get absorbed into the blood.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I do it once a week. It's a gross subject, but it can work. Usually the night I do it, I am not feeling too well. Sometimes I don't sleep. I think it has something to do with detoxing and stirring things up, but I am no expert. I do know that usually the next day, I feel better. Years ago, when I was much better, I noticed a major difference. I think it's good to get it all out!

Be careful though with doing it everyday. The problem with that is it can sometimes cause the intestine to atrophy or not cause it to have muscle spasms for pushing and doing it on your own. The enema starts replacing that and then your bowel doesn't work as well. Just a thought.

I have done expensive $90 colonics and don't recommend them. They did zip for me. It's really expensive and it clears you out, but so what....you will be back to where you started in no time flat.

Have you done coffee enemas? They are supposed to be the best, but I find them to be too much work.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
@minkeygirl -an enema bag...hot water bottle that can be used as an enema too and water, or coffee and water. You can find an enema bag on Amazon.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@Misfit Toy Got it. I don't know what to put in it. Also, do you have to have distilled water? How do you heat the water while keeping it clean? I would think a pot would have some residue.

I vaguely remember having one when I was a kid. These clean you out more than suppositories right? I'm kind of obsessed with my bowels right now LOL.

I found this link


Misfit Toy

Senior Member
You can use distilled water, or boiled water. Yes, way better than suppositories. Honestly, I don't go nuts with the pot and keeping it clean. Over 15 years of doing it, never had a problem.
Can you guys tell what you use to do this? @horsebox @Misfit Toy

Specifics please on appliances etc.


Please tag me.

I did it with a closed system where you sit on a table, theres a tube with water constantly flowing into your ass and everything that comes out, goes straight down the drain, there was a clear plastic pipe that let you see what was coming out. All kinds of stuff came out.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I looked into doing it daily. I read that it actually stimulates the Colon to work better so frequent ones are ok. I'm looking for the link now. It is suppositories you have to worry about, that I know.

I've started doing them since my first post. Maybe every 3rd day if I'm miserable with constipation. Mostly just to cleanse so I don't retain it too long. Now that I have a routine it takes maybe 20 minutes. I have no I'll effects and feel pretty good.

I put Himalayan pink salt in which is supposed to help the colon.

I found this helpful
