Hungry/starving for protein since getting sick?


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Any safety issues with the raw milk? It makes me a little nervous.

Hi Ocean,

I've not had any safety issues myself, but I trust the people I get the milk from. Sanitary practices are important, so it's good to know who you're getting your milk from.

A safety precaution is to mix in 1-2 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide per quart. When I do this, the milk generally keeps a good 2-3 weeks without a problem. I've heard they sell unrefrigerated milk in Europe by putting it in an encased carton that has hydrogen peroxide suffused into it (or something like that).

So this is in regards to raw milk. Regarding raw milk kefir: soaking the milk in the kefir grains for 24 hours starts about 30 or so probiotic bacteria, and from what I can tell, tends to crowd out "unfriendly" bacteria. Once the kefir is fermented, it keeps for several weeks; I've kept it for as long as 6-8 weeks.

I did an experiment once by starting a batch with some relatively old milk. The kefir tasted a bit off after 24 hours, but upon leaving it in the refrigerator for several more days (while continuing to slowly ferment), the "off" taste completely disappeared. So, I have to say that the benefits I received from eating this are significant. And safety concerns are very minimal for me.

I might just add that I drank raw goat milk for quite some time before starting to make kefir. Though I still occasionally have a bit of milk on my cereal or with cookies or something, I find that the kefir is much easier to digest.



Senior Member
People drank raw milk for centuries. So do calves. Imo, If I could tolerate it, I'd drink it! Do some reading up on it.
Yes but calves are meant to drink it. I'm not so sure I am! Not knocking it at all but I don't think the parallel is quite there in the same way.


Senior Member
November Girl, Yes the hernia is the cause of my reflux. I'm a bit nervous about trying an acidic item because of that since acidic things currently cause reflux in me. But maybe it can't hurt to just try it once and see.

Wayne, thank you for the raw milk info. I had totally forgotten I don't even drink milk due to other health issues, so probably this is not an option for me.

L'Engle, I tried l carnitine and Acetyl l carnitine and couldn't tolerate it well. I wish I could because it seems to help many with the problems I'm having. The kind I took was tartrate, not fumarate. I'm not sure if that would make a significant difference in the side effects though.

Tania, thanks for the insulin info. I will mention it to my doc. I think I've only had glucose tested.


November Girl, Yes the hernia is the cause of my reflux. I'm a bit nervous about trying an acidic item because of that since acidic things currently cause reflux in me. But maybe it can't hurt to just try it once and see.

Wayne, thank you for the raw milk info.

L'Engle, I tried l carnitine and Acetyl l carnitine and couldn't tolerate it well. I wish I could because it seems to help many with the problems I'm having. The kind I took was tartrate, not fumarate. I'm not sure if that would make a significant difference in the side effects though.

Tania, thanks for the insulin info. I will mention it to my doc. I think I've only had glucose tested.

It might be worth giving l-carnitine fumarate a try. I seem to need much less of it than I did at first, I guess a deficiency has been alleviated. I now get insomnia from taking very much of it. I would try a really small amount though, since it does cause stomach issues for some and if you have reflux I guess you would have to be really careful.

Good luck!