How to take Oxymatrine / Equilibriant Regiment Correctly?

I read a lot about Oxymatrine / Equilibriant on CFS forums and know the general idea of how to take it but missing some things.

I know start out slow, ramp it up slow to 6 a day if you can, but from day 1 to how long do you take it (up to full dose) length, 6 months?

Then when you are done with the 'full dose length' do you taper it off the same way you ramped it up? and for how long?

Ive read ppl take for up to a year 1 pill a day as a maintenance dose, is that 1 year from the start? or 1 year from the end of full dose? Has anyone taken it longer than a year? Is there danger if someone does.

If someone could lay out a simple general regiment for Oxymatrine / Equilibriant that would be perfect.


Senior Member
I know start out slow, ramp it up slow to 6 a day if you can, but from day 1 to how long do you take it (up to full dose) length, 6 months?

If you are responder to oxymatrine, you may get worse before you get better. Responders typically start to feel better at around the 2 month stage. If it has not worked for you after 3 months or so, then it's probably not going to work for you at all (although one person said he only experienced benefits after 1 year).

If you are a responder, then males can stop taking oxymatrine after around 6 months, but women may need to take it indefinitely, according to Dr Chia.

Although here Chia says take it for at least 1 year to prevent relapse.
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I will post the current Dr. Chia recommendations later tonight.

Actually, sorry, I didn't bring that packet with me. I'll try to do it tomorrow.
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I will post the current Dr. Chia recommendations later tonight.

Actually, sorry, I didn't bring that packet with me. I'll try to do it tomorrow.

That would be perfect, I couldnt find exactly (in general) how its taken.
Additionally, his comment was when asked to take it early in the day or at least in the morning.
Thanks! did he tell you how long to take it in length?
Nope..... and That is the last thing I'm worried about at this point. It will be at least a year before I have to think about that, right? I think the standard instructions are to expect at least 2-4 months to respond if you are in the roughly 25-50% of patients that respond to treatment.
This is what I have compiled from all I've read:

Equilibriant / White Tiger brand Oxymatrine (cheaper closest equivalent) Regiment Dosing:

DO NOT TAKE if you have a autoimmune disease! Not recommend if you are pregnant, nursing, or considering pregnancy.

*Patient may feel worse with each dosing increase for a time, viruses dying off, good sign

Take morning/early in day with food and full glass water: (as quoted by Dr. Chia for a patient)

1/4 tablet a day 10-14 days (as quoted by Dr. Chia for a patient) (read on forums some people start out with 1/8 and work up slower)

Then 1/2 tablet a day 10-14 days, (as quoted by Dr. Chia for a patient)

Then 1 tablet a day 10-14 days, (as quoted by Dr. Chia for a patient)

Max Dose: Then 1 tablet 2 times a day or 2 tablets 2 times a day if they can tolerate (as quoted by Dr. Chia for a patient)

Other/Older Max General Dose: 6 tablets a day (as quoted by Dr. Chia and Equilibriant website)
End max dose at 3-6 months for males (as quoted by Dr. Chia). "The women usually have to continue it, because when they stop, they usually go into relapse, within the next month." -Dr. Chia

Maintenance dose "take Equilibrant for at least 1 year even if it's working to prevent relapse" -Dr Chia, 1 tablet a day (for a male)

*Its is unclear if you drop from Max Dose to Maintenance Dose all at once or if you tapper down slowly in the same way you start regiment.

***Info from ME/CFS forums posted by Dr. Chia's patients, his qoutes or Equilibriant website
Equilibriant full 1 year course cost $464 with US shipping and tax
White Tiger Oxymatrine ( full 1 year course $220 with US shipping

Should take 8 bottles/packages total.


Senior Member
Equilibriant full 1 year course cost $464 with US shipping and tax
White Tiger Oxymatrine ( full 1 year course $220 with US shipping

Should take 8 bottles/packages total.

Equilibrant contains more than just oxymatrine, so the prices are not directly comparable. See a list of Equilibrant ingredients here.