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"How to Spot Research Spin: The Case of the Not-So-Simple Abstract" (March 17)


Senior Member
Thanks again Dolphin!

I hope pubmed commons et continue to evolve. Although it might not be perfect, it would be nice to have a common review system for scientific papers akin to the one that amazon.com has for products: An average score of X stars out of five, but also quick links to both the most helpful positive review and the most helpful negative review. The reviews I see in pubmed are often sharp, but there doesn't seem to be a way to quickly contrast the most intelligent positiveish review with the most intelligent negative one.

As much as it would be great if everyone read and thoroughly analyzed every article that they shared, I would much rather find a better way for us to quickly get accurate information regarding a study. @Dolphin, do you know how long this kind of talk (about the misrepresentation of shoddy and biased research) has been going on? Put another way: I am only now beginning to read these articles about bad research, so I wonder if this idea is having a moment, or if this is more or less the level of outrage that has existed for decades?


Senior Member
@Dolphin, do you know how long this kind of talk (about the misrepresentation of shoddy and biased research) has been going on? Put another way: I am only now beginning to read these articles about bad research, so I wonder if this idea is having a moment, or if this is more or less the level of outrage that has existed for decades?
I don't know I'm afraid.