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How to live alone?


Senior Member
small town midwest
So I just discovered my demented mother has stopped masking again... despite giving me COVID this June, knowing I am severe and bedridden. I am getting sicker and sicker everyday since COVID. I am beside myself with terror and fury )OK, that may partly be the constant crash). At any rate, I no longer feel safe in my parents' home and want to move out.

Except I have no income, am severe, bedridden and unable to care for myself. What resources do I have? The affordable housing in my area is disgusting. In my climate I need real utilities, not an in AC.


Senior Member
Oh dear, that is quite a spot to be in, wish life wasn't going that way.

Given the givens, I haven't got enough knowledge, or at least not the correct knowledge, to offer an answer on how to live alone. But I will comment here and now so that you can know someone has noticed you.


Senior Member
*don't be too strict on your parents, covid is highly contagious, even with a mask on you can't prevent it. Everyone gets it sooner or later, even if you're alone. Is there no benefits agency? And are there social housing in your area? I don't have the solution either, but I do know that you are not alone. Many patients are in a similar situation. Stay strong! I wish you the best!


Except I have no income, am severe, bedridden and unable to care for myself. What resources do I have? The affordable housing in my area is disgusting. In my climate I need real utilities, not an in AC.
I saw this website in another thread, it seems like a very comprehensive resource when it comes to US disability & finance tips in the context of ME/CFS: https://howtogeton.wordpress.com/