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'How my research project boosted my scientific career as a PhD student!'

Jo Best

Senior Member
Please let me know if this was posted elsewhere on PR.

I have only just seen it via Twitter.

Article by Fane Mensah PhD candidate, University of London.

Posted in AntibodyGenie by Mikaela Byrne on August 15 2017.

Starting a PhD project would have been much easier by accepting a constructed and fully funded PhD project. But what if you are a risk taker, a doer and want to challenge yourself? What If you could write your own PhD project, experience the struggle to secure funding, by following an unconventional route? In the end, this would be something you need to do as a scientist anyway, so why don’t start now?!

The Twitter screenshot in the article includes a tweet by PR (see PR thread:
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Jo Best

Senior Member
The initial B-cell study and PhD were funded by Invest in ME Research:

:thumbsup: to Jo Cambridge for spotting Fane's potential and to IiMER for engaging Jo's interest in getting involved in finding answers to ME/CFS by inviting her to their 2013 Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium.

Jo and Fane met Chris Armstrong at the 2016 colloquium, leading to the cross-disciplinary project funded by a grant from Solve ME/CFS Initiative. Fane wrote about this here: http://investinme.org/ce-news-1702-01.shtml