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HLA DR Genotypes


Senior Member
Dr. David Oh, M.D., writes about HLA DR genotypes.

>In the vast majority of my patients, I check a genetic test called an HLA DR/DQ from Labcorp (test #012542) I learned about this test from Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker. This gene is located on chromosome number 6 and it encodes a protein called an MHC Class II protein. Each person has two copies: one from the father and one from the mother. This test tells me if a person is susceptible to biotoxin illnesses and I’ve found that 98% of my patients are.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
Im confused. Ive had a HLA DR/DQ test done in the past, ordered by a CFS specialist who had it done for his own CFS study interest. This test came back saying my HLA haplotyes include DRB1 *0401 and *0801 and DQB1 *0302 and 0402. ... it said nothing about chromosome number 6 and proteins....