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Himalayan pink salt (good or bad)?


I need salt for POTs but I read mixed review on Pink salt. Some say is good some say is bad.
Any suggestions for salt type brand?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I need salt for POTs but I read mixed review on Pink salt. Some say is good some say is bad.
Any suggestions for salt type brand?

I have always heard good things about this salt but I guess I have missed the bad reports. I use Celtic Sea Salt myself. There may be mixed reviews on it too! o_O



Senior Member
I use pink salt ... because it tastes great on certain foods. All such salt is the same as boring, ordinary salt plus modest amounts of minerals. You can get the same minerals much more cheaply by other means, and without the risk of eating too much salt. "Plain" salt is sea salt with everything other than salt - NaCl - removed, and possibly iodide added (which is good for us). The extra minerals in sea salt are sulphate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, bromide, borate, strontium, and fluoride, plus more for the exotic one like the pink stuff.

I have a handy container with 6 different variatons on salt - it has Himalayan, Hawaiian, Eurasian, 2 variations on sea salt and "smoked" salt. All are very helpful in compensating for my lack of energy and minimal cooking skill. Plus if I imagine they're good for me I'll feel like I'm smarter than I actually am.

If it makes you feel better or improves appetite (a problem with this crazy disease) by all means use fancy salt. But don't confuse it with medicine!


Senior Member
Midwest USA
Refined salt of any sort is not healthy in my opinion.


Himalayan pink salt may contain more fluoride than you might like.


Low sodium is a medical emergency and can be life threatening. Sea salt can help keep sodium levels in normal ranges and also helps other medicines like Florinef work properly. Salt can also help to expand the blood volume which is beneficial to many of us with OI. Those functions all fit my definition of medicine! So I believe it is important to make smart choices when it comes to salt selection. I personally use Celtic sea salt as well.


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
I was terrified about getting a sodium IV for high bp pots so I had an injection instead and it came to normal. I was astounded. The thing is to balance the salt and potassium. Doctors had told me not to use sal. DUH salt is an electrolyte. I make my own drink or in a pinch Gator Aid.

Mortin Salt has a caking agent and bleach and who knows h what else. They added iodine long ago so people that lived in landlocked places would not get goitors from not eating seafood.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I just made the following post at the thread: One Woman's Significant Health Improvements Using Baking Soda. Thought I'd post it here as well since it fits in so well with the title of this thread:
On the following video entitled, "How To Make Himalayan Salt Brine - And Why?", the narrator comments, beginning at the 3:30 minute mark, how pure salt (not commercial or even sea salt) is critical for many bodily functions. Around the 4:30 mark, he goes into a bit of detail how salt (sodium chloride), is so essential for the all important pH balance in our bodies. In this regard, it's essential to make adequate hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach, and also essential to produce sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in the duodenum, which along with bile, helps neutralize the acidic food content coming out of the stomach.

It makes me wonder if a high quality salt (such as Himalayan salt) with a LOT of trace minerals could help address some of the gut issues most pwCFS deal with. Also whether it could prove to be as effective as baking soda to help maintain proper pH balance, and other hormonal, neurological, etc. balances in our bodies. I can see where it might be even more effective, with many more more far reaching benefits, besides possibly being safer.

Here's another good video (12 minutes) by Mercola:

Amazing Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Here's a related thread I created here on PR:

Acid / Alkaline Burns --- Could They Cause Leaky Gut Syndrome; Other GI Issues ?
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