Hi New to forum - help needed with organic acids test

Hi Everyone

I am based in the UK. I have lurked in one way or another in these forums for years.

Over the years I have seen a number of doctors, nutritionists and health professionals. It is only recently that I have linked all my symptoms together. I have no official diagnosis of ME/CFS and I am not entirely sure this is my diagnosis. I just have intermittent periods of mild/ moderate fatigue, ongoing anxiety, mild adrenal insufficiency, hormonal imbalances (high oestrogen/ low progesterone), gut dysbiosis, insomnia. It has felt relentless at times over the years.

I have started working with a functional medicine specialist/ nutritionist and have done an organic acids test which is indicative of mito dysfunction to some degree. The things that appear to have come out of that test are as follows:

(1) Oxalic acid high - 103 (Ref range 0-100)
(2) Fumaric acid low - 0.33 (Ref range 0-10)
(3) Malic acid low - 0.19 (Ref range 0.2- 1.8)
(4) 2-oxo-glutaric acid low - 6.60 (Ref range 15-200)
(5) Vanimandelate/ Homovanilate (VMA/HVA) low - 3.00/0.99 respectivey (Ref range 0-3.5)
(6) Pyroglutamic acid low - 13.00 (Ref range 20-115)
(7) Panthenoic acid high (had not been taking any supps for 3 months so don't understand this one). 5.90 (Ref range 1-4)

My understanding is that essentially my glutathione reserves are very depleted which is causing the fatigue, opportunistic infections, and other multitude of symptoms.

Would be grateful of any input from anyone re the above.

Many thanks in Advance

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