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Herpes Cure Needs Free To Choose Medicine 8/18/17 FEE.org


senior member
Concord, NH
Until recent weeks, I knew almost nothing about herpes. The few people I’ve known who admitted they had it didn’t want to talk any more about it. Because of a longstanding and unfortunate stigma attached to the disease, far more people have it than most of us would ever suspect. Many around the world with severe cases suffer an agonizing ordeal in hopeless silence.

This is not a story, however, without hope. Quite the contrary. Thanks to a remarkable man who passed away on June 22, 2017 at the untimely age of 48, relief from the scourge of herpes may soon be a reality.

Hope for a Herpes Cure

This is a story about a genius who challenged conventional wisdom, blazed new trails in scientific research, dedicated his life to helping others, developed promising new tools against a terrible affliction, and lighted a path for the policy changes needed to end the suffering of millions. His name was Dr. William P. Halford.


