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Help Needed - Interpreting Lab / Test Results


Senior Member
Shouldn't it have the reference ranges on the test? Adrenal glands need vitamin c, and b5 to make hormones, and likely lots of other essential nutrients so eating b vitamin rich foods like yeast, rice bran, cereal grains, and vitamin c rich foods like kiwi fruit, and capsicums should help them
I was supplementing with adaptogens and caused a crash. Very low morning today. Took B5 and lots of salt but was scared to supplement with vitamin c because in the past it has felt like it suppressed adrenal function. Also took a little bit of pregnelone because magnesium at night caused a complete crash and had to drink a bunch of sea salt to wake back up again.


Senior Member
vitamin c suppressing adrenal function is impossible considering the highest concentration of it in the body is in the adrenals. drinking lots of sea salt is a really bad that will hurt the adrenals and deplete other minerals. magnesium will not cause a complete crash either considering it is an essential mineral.
I took half of a 35 mg pill of pregnenolone for two consecutive days and 10mg of hydrocortisone and i believe I am extremely overstimulated. is rhodiola a safe bet to slow everything down? In my ignorance I believed i was low on cortisol, but now it seems like my crash caused them to be overstimulated, not insufficient.
I took the lowest of doses of nutritional yeast 1/4 teaspoon and was highly reactive to it. Very anxious and must have an excitatory substance in it. Maybe glutamate. Am I overmethylating? I’m reacting to glutamate, and sulfur. It’s been over a week since I took any metafolin or hydroxicobalamin. I thought this was an adrenal gland issue.


Senior Member
I took the lowest of doses of nutritional yeast 1/4 teaspoon and was highly reactive to it. Very anxious and must have an excitatory substance in it. Maybe glutamate. Am I overmethylating? I’m reacting to glutamate, and sulfur. It’s been over a week since I took any metafolin or hydroxicobalamin. I thought this was an adrenal gland issue.

I have taken 100g of bakers yeast in a day before, and I was highly reactive to it; in a good way; it made me feel good, and removed anxiety. Have taken 30g of nutritional yeast no problem. Hundreds of thousands of people take both world over. Yeast contains acetylcholine also- all domains of life make acetylcholine, and interestingly enough the species of bamboo Phyllostachys bambusoides is 1000 times higher in acetylcholine than yeast.

Glutamate is the most abundant molecule in every single cell in the body including in the brain. Yes it is an excitatory neurotransmitter. LD50 glutamate Rat female oral 15,800 mg/kg bw. Most b vitamins are around 10g/kg so it is even safer than them. Caffeine is only 10g for an adult. Alcohol is around 6g/kg. Number of deaths from glutamate ever: zero.

Glutamate, and sulfur are both essential nutrients. It is impossible to have an allergic reaction to an essential amino acid or an essential mineral or else simply eating any food that contains even a tiny amount of protein would cause an allergic reaction. It is impossible to "overmethylate" also.

Paranoia about essential nutrients would be a major issue. If such a symptom existed in someone maybe seeing a doctor who knows what they are talking about would help, and doing a lot of blood tests.