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Has anyone used MAF 314 from Vienna?

I am considering getting MAF 314 from doctor Uta Santos-König in Vienna. Before I spend my savings on this, I just wanted to ask those here if any of you have used this source for your MAF 314 and that it is a legitimate source. Any of your input or experience would be greatly appreciated.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I am considering getting MAF 314 from doctor Uta Santos-König in Vienna. Before I spend my savings on this, I just wanted to ask those here if any of you have used this source for your MAF 314 and that it is a legitimate source. Any of your input or experience would be greatly appreciated.

It is a legitimate source and probably the only source of MAF 314 right now. If you use the google search function for this forum (look down toward the bottom of the forums page) you will find many threads on MAF 314 giving people's experiences.



Senior Member
Hi Zoey,

I've had some MAF314 made by another patient who gets the starter from Dr SK. It seems to work well for both of us.

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
Dr Don Lewis in Melbourne has about 50 people on MAF314.
Not sure how this relates to Uta Santos-König. Ruggerio is his contact


Senior Member
hello. has anyone had a lot of brain fog improvement with maf314? my head feels SO bad, i am thinking maybe this might be something to think about....but at $5000 a year, its beyond my means...

has anyone found a way to do this cheaper? do people here share? sorry fog is so bad i cannot go through all the info.

also, can someone with no brain function even make it?

thank you!


Senior Member
My brain fog is still pretty bad, Daffodil and I've been on the MAF314 for a while now. Lots of things are better but no cure for me.

I've never made it so cannot comment on that.

Have you ever made ordinary yoghurt? (as that may be a help)


Senior Member
I make super-probiotic yogurt and colostrum nearly every other day. I do think it helps, I figured hey...it cannot hurt. It is fairly simple to make. I "cook" or process my yogurt much longer than most recipes call for...less lactose and more probiotics! I also strain it to make a thicker yogurt but use the liquid in my protein shakes. YUM. I also am currently on GcMAF injected. 6th week Monday. I have improved stamina, symptoms meh...close to the same. Every week after the shot I have a bad day...this week it reduced to just one bad day and my sinus issues cleared. Probably the cumulative effect of supplementation, antivirals, GcMAF and yogurt/colostrum it has been close to two months for everything else.
hello. has anyone had a lot of brain fog improvement with maf314? my head feels SO bad, i am thinking maybe this might be something to think about....but at $5000 a year, its beyond my means...

has anyone found a way to do this cheaper? do people here share? sorry fog is so bad i cannot go through all the info.

also, can someone with no brain function even make it?

thank you!

Daffodil, I take Klonepin for my brain fog. I take .5 mg at bedtime. It has been a miracle drug for the brain fog. I am a psychotherapist. Three years ago when I started showing symptoms of CFS, I thought I was going to have to close my practice because of the crashes and the brain fog. I read an article by Dr. Cheney about the Klonepin and brain fog. I had some Klonepin left from a crisis I went through a few years earlier. After reading the article, I immediately tried just 1/4 of the .5 and I couldn't believe how different I felt. I felt like myself pre-CFS.


Senior Member
hi carolyn. thanks:) i do notice a little improvement on my benzo...but i am just too far gone for klonopin to help that much. i am very glad it helps you. maybe i should switch from my current benzo which i take for sleep sometimes. i just dont want to become addicted to another thing and then have to stop it.

what i am going to do next is try antibiotics for the gut. i suspect something will come of that...i hope.
Daffodil, I am a psychotherapist. I would never be taking the Klonepin if I was going to get addicted. At these low doses, that really isn't a concern unless you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse. If you haven't ever read any of Dr. Paul Cheney's research on Klonepin, check it out. Just taking any benzo isn't going to be helpful. It's Klonepin that works and his research explain why it works.
Daffodil, I am a psychotherapist. I would never be taking the Klonepin if I was going to get addicted. At these low doses, that really isn't a concern unless you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse. If you haven't ever read any of Dr. Paul Cheney's research on Klonepin, check it out. Just taking any benzo isn't going to be helpful. It's Klonepin that works and his research explain why it works.
Hi all, have followed this board intermittently, used to be a regular on Pro Health as romalaw. I also am a therapist with cfs (daffodil you may remember me, we emailed back and forth for a while). I take Klonopin not generic .25 mg. It does help with brain fog and I also find that NADH in the morning helps. Even though my health has improved maybe 50%-75% over the years, it seems the cognitive damage is irreversable. If I do too much "mental work" I suffer brain fatigue similar to to the post exertional malaise common in CFS.