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Has anyone taken Korean Panax Ginseng?


Senior Member
I found this link on PR and hopefully it will work if you click on it!


I was wondering if anyone is currently or in the past taken Korean Panax Ginseng to boost NK functioning or for any other reason? If so, what was the outcome (good or bad?) Did it cause increased energy? I am afraid of it causing insomnia or tachycardia but my husband wanted me to ask the PR gurus about it.

Thanks in advance for any feedback!


Senior Member
I took Korean Panax Ginseng (paste form) during the 1st / 2nd month of my severe initial viral illness. It definitely made my symptoms worse at the time. It caused tachycardia, anxiety and gastrointestinal issues.

I later tried smaller dose a year later when I was feeling a little better. No significant improvement in fatigue or stamina.

I would be very cautious with taking ginseng supplement.

I also tried Montoya protocol - low dose ritalin and PAX vitamin / supplement. There can be variable responses with stimulants but ritalin caused emotional "blunting" side effect and no increase in energy. I can't tell whether PAX vitamin is better than any other. More than 1 tablet causes urine to turn yellow. I suspect poor absorption.

I finally turned to drinking double expresso coffee / latte. I find expresso coffee less acidic than drip coffee. As long as I drink between 9-10 in the morning, it does not impair sleep quality. Although, caffeine can be metabolized to varying degrees based upon individual. Plenty of antioxidants in coffee. Studies show coffee consumption helps those with diabetes. I also read somewhere it can have a positive effect on mitochondrial biogenesis.


Senior Member
Thank you both for your feedback and I was already hesitant about the ginseng before I posted. I cannot tolerate any caffeine or anything that causes tachycardia or insomnia so I think this rules it out for me.


work in progress
N. California
Korean ginseng is considered very "hot" (stimulating) in Chinese Medicine. It can be hard for sensitive people to tolerate. The only kind of "ginseng" I have been able to tolerate is actually not a real ginseng at all. Though it is sometimes called Siberian Ginseng it is in reality Eleutherococcus Senticosus... or more commonly called eleuthero root. It's an adaptogenic herb, which can help gently boost the adrenals, which is what I take it for.


Senior Member
I tried it when i first got sick. It had a stimulating effect. It didn't really solve any problems really.. but it made me a bit jittery.


Senior Member
I tried it decades ago and it had no effect on me, good or bad. I've also tried a couple of other types of ginseng, also with no effect -- except for lost money.
I found this link on PR and hopefully it will work if you click on it!


I was wondering if anyone is currently or in the past taken Korean Panax Ginseng to boost NK functioning or for any other reason? If so, what was the outcome (good or bad?) Did it cause increased energy? I am afraid of it causing insomnia or tachycardia but my husband wanted me to ask the PR gurus about it.

Thanks in advance for any feedback!
I tried it and it had no noticeable effect. I still have the unused remains of the bottle I bought which I will throw out in due course.


Senior Member
Thanks for all the additional feedback and the consensus is unanimous and I won't be trying this one!