Has anyone had their thyroid removed?

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I'm having a thyroidectomy. I'm scared. Has anyone had one with this illness? I'm reading stories of exhaustion online and these are people without ME.


Senior Member
New Zealand
Sorry @Misfit Toy i can't help... I'm currently holding onto mine, although I worry I may get to the point where I have to have it removed. I think that there are two very important things in the process- firstly a really good experienced surgeon and secondly very careful monitoring of your thyroid levels afterwards. I expect that we only read the stories of problems online, and the people who have had no issues are out there living life!!

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
@daisybell -yes. These stories are horrid. Exhaustion, muscle pain, all of it. God, help me. I think the toughest thing will be a long road with med adjustments. I've never been on thyroid meds. The surgeon, I hear, is great.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
@Misfit Toy , so sorry you have to face this.
You don't have any alternative to the operation ? Is it urgent or do you have time to take additionnal advice before doing thyroid ablation ?
Maybe there is another solution, less drastic, like 'aggressive' lymphatic work + detox along with special diet and herbals ?

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Hi, @Hanna - I have atypical cells that are suspicious of being cancer. I have two nodules and a goiter that is making it hard for me to swallow. Why I need to go in and have the surgery is because of the cancer. Two of my aunts had thyroid cancer.

The nodules have grown and keep growing.

It's not safe to keep it in. I don't believe in holistic treatments for cancer. There is too much cancer in my family.


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
My mom had her thyroid removed about 10 years ago. She was otherwise relatively healthy though.

Suspicious nodules that were causing her voice to change.

They started her on thyroxin. Her doctor said at that time it was trial and error with the thyroid meds but my mom did well on the thyroxin and has been on it ever since with no issues.

Hard to compare because I know you have lots of other health issues but for her there weren't any side effects from it. Partly luck I think, because thyroxin worked for her.

digital dog

Senior Member
Good luck Misfit.
There are just as many people who feel better with their thyroid removed as they have more balanced hormones. They are not swinging between two states. The trouble with us sensitive creatures is whether we can tolerate the medication.
I really hope the op goes okay.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Thanks everyone...it's not until January so trying to learn all I can....nervous. We are such freaks of nature, one never knows how it will go! I shouldn't speak for everyone, but I know my body is a freak of nature in that it reacts to everything so WEIRD.

digital dog

Senior Member
Would it be prudent to try a little armour (maybe an eighth of a grain) to see how you react? Just incase you cannot tolerate thyroid meds.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
@digital dog -I don't think it would be wise as I am slightly hyperthyroid so it would make it worse. Many don't do well on armour...some do, some don't. There are many meds for the thyroid including NDT and some other stuff...there is so much. Cytomel, Synthroid, Unithroid. I know they will put me on Synthroid. That is just standard and it may be horrible or it could be okay.

I guess I am going to have a long road of hit or miss with this thing.

digital dog

Senior Member
There is no telling.
It gave me insomnia but if you have your thyroid out then that shouldn't really happen. It also gave me the best day in twenty years. Felt perfectly well for once...played tennis!

I so hope it works out for you. I read your posts and despair at what you have had to endure in life (health wise). One battle to the next, to the next, to the next.

I have chronic insomnia at the moment (it alternates between that and severe fatigue) which is my worst symptom. One hour last night and wish i could just slip away to be honest.

But we keep on fighting don't we...


Senior Member
@Misfit Toy

I just talked to my friend who had her thyroid/parathyroid/nodes removed and she said she was more uncomfortable than anything, especially with things like swallowing, clearing her throat, ect. The meds really helped any post surgery pain but she stopped them after a week and then continued as needed. took about a month to be her normal energetic self. Of course the last doesn't apply to us.

This is her experience so I don't know how much will generalize to yours. I have a feeling her surgery may have been more extensive than yours.

Her surgery was fifteen years ago so there are probably advances that have been made since then.

Hope this helps.
