Has anybody tried Ramosetron for IBS-D ?


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Haven't tried it but they keep just chucking these selective serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists at it and quoting a "good responder rate" as the major positive. In other words, it ain't no cure!

Something a bit different I saw aimed at IBS-D is xyloglucan (e.g. Gelsectan). This is a film-forming protein based mucoprotectant (water-soluble, polysaccharide hemicellulose that is extracted from the seeds of the tamarind tree) which is not broken down by digestive enzymes. The barrier over the intestinal mucosa helps to reduce the effect of pathogens and to improve the function of the intestinal barrier. It is often combined with gelatin (tannate) to prolong its availability within the intestine.

Products containing this aren't widely available though, only in Europe at the moment by the looks.


Senior Member
Thanks @kangaSue Actually this is the first 5HT-3 receptor antagonist for IBS available in India. Lotronex (alosetron) is not available in India. All the 5HT-3 antagonists had a severe side effect of ischemic colitis. Ramosetron does not seem to have that. If it can give me some control of bowels I can venture out of my home and at least go and sit in the park or beach for some time. I know mast cell activation is the problem for my gut hypersensitivity but the treatments seem to have too many side effects.

Anyway lets wait for the september 29th conference by OMF and see whether anything useful comes out of it for this problem.

Also thanks for the info on xyloglucan.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
@raghav A low dose of the antidepressant family of meds can be effective for IBS-D too. They interact with the same receptors (5HT-3 receptor antagonist) but it can taketrying several different ones to find what works best for you.