gut, t-cells, MS - could it be related to ME(CFS) ?


Senior Member
Wow - thanks for posting shrewsbury - this certainly seems to tie up with my "experience" of things. Much appreciate the investigation of the Immune system (and effects). Currently on an all out protocol for the gut so hopefully moving in a good direction. Yes I do believe it is related to ME/CFS. A Norwegian friend under Kenny de Meileir tells me his treatment includes "masses of probiotics" for her to repopulate the gut correctly. (That is apart from antibiotics etc).


Senior Member
@schrewsberry. Nice find. Yes, I think this is also relevant for CFS. It might be one of the reasons why some people get better on certain abx.

The abx can change the bacteria balance in the intestines.

I made a post about it here.
I am a bit puzzled of why I improve with certain abx. It might be that the quick improvement comes from a direct impact the abx has on the immune system. But that a improvement which comes after a month or so, might be because the flora in the intestines has been changed (changed in a positive direction).


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Wow - thanks for posting shrewsbury - this certainly seems to tie up with my "experience" of things. Much appreciate the investigation of the Immune system (and effects). Currently on an all out protocol for the gut so hopefully moving in a good direction. Yes I do believe it is related to ME/CFS. A Norwegian friend under Kenny de Meileir tells me his treatment includes "masses of probiotics" for her to repopulate the gut correctly. (That is apart from antibiotics etc).
yes, i just watched a video of KDM explaining his main treatment is treating the gut as most of the immune system is there
I have had some minor improvement with abx and nystatin for yeast/candida followed by probiotics. Antibiotics were doxycyline and flagyl which can kill bad gut bugs, but i think this is only part of the problem as KDM also says in the video that its an individual thing as some are troubled by EBV etc that they have to chase after.



Senior Member
And it always amazes me KDM finds "things" to treat in addition to repopulating the gut correctly. Not a chance here in the UK. No time nor inclination to find - except maybe or could be - the particular virus. Hoping your treatment much aiding you heapsreal - my Norwegian friend tells me her treatment hard going (MLV related virus etc) is beginning to show more permanent results.