gut pain


Senior Member
San Deigo, CA
Ive been having an unusual amount of gut pain lately. What are the recommended steps to rule out possible causes? (No H Pylori)


Senior Member
Oklahoma, USA
Gastroenterologist/uppper gi? Gut pains a bitch and a lot of times they don't really know why you have it, so will just prescribe Prilosec or something similar. I've been using apple cider vinegar to control muscle spasms and it's had the added benefit of stopping my persistent heartburn and maybe coincidentally my occasional gut pain.


Senior Member
San Deigo, CA
No proton pump inhibitors for me. I also take apple cider vinegar. Lately, charcoal seemed to help. I've gone from 190 lb to 170. All I can keep down are baked potatoes, rice, boiled vegies, eggs, with an occasional broiled fish.


Senior Member
Probiotics have helped my intestinal pain. NOW brand Clinical GI probiotic was helpful from the first time I took it. I don't take a whole capsule. I twist open the capsule and empty it in a small container. I take a very small amount (with the edge of a knife) and dissolve it in water and drink it. One capsule can last me 7 to 10 days!

I added in the Renew Life brand Ultimate Flora Adult 50+ (the one with 6 bifido strains). That also has been helpful. I also twist open the capsule and take a very small amount.

I would say these two pretty much eliminated 90 - 95% of my GI pain. I still battle some heartburn....and it seems that I can't tolerate apple cider vinegar, but please share how you two take it and I might try it again. I have histamine intolerance and it *seems* that vinegar is problematic for me. Either that or the yeast that is used to make vinegar is a problem since I don't tolerate yeast....

But, what I did (and today was only the second day) was I added in a third probiotic in hopes of getting rid of the heartburn. I can't report yet on has primarily acidophilus strains and I am taking a very small amount. We'll see how it goes.....


Senior Member
Oklahoma, USA
Probiotics have helped my intestinal pain. NOW brand Clinical GI probiotic was helpful from the first time I took it. I don't take a whole capsule. I twist open the capsule and empty it in a small container. I take a very small amount (with the edge of a knife) and dissolve it in water and drink it. One capsule can last me 7 to 10 days!

I added in the Renew Life brand Ultimate Flora Adult 50+ (the one with 6 bifido strains). That also has been helpful. I also twist open the capsule and take a very small amount.

I would say these two pretty much eliminated 90 - 95% of my GI pain. I still battle some heartburn....and it seems that I can't tolerate apple cider vinegar, but please share how you two take it and I might try it again. I have histamine intolerance and it *seems* that vinegar is problematic for me. Either that or the yeast that is used to make vinegar is a problem since I don't tolerate yeast....

But, what I did (and today was only the second day) was I added in a third probiotic in hopes of getting rid of the heartburn. I can't report yet on has primarily acidophilus strains and I am taking a very small amount. We'll see how it goes.....
I just keep a bottle by the bed and swig from it a couple of times a day, but most people probably couldn't tolerate it like that due to the strong flavor so it's recommended to put a tablespoon in warm water and drink it like that, However, if you have histamine and yeast issues, not sure if that's the right way to go. I don't know enough to say one way or the other.