Ok, I'll bite
While I don't think any of these is likely to have a positive effect on ME, the lightning process is the one that really needs to be singled out.
The lightning process works like this:
-The process is a "secret" and you are not allowed to know how it works until you have ponied up the cash (though plenty of dissatisfied customers have spilled the beans on the internet at this point ).
-Before you are "allowed" access to the treatment they screen you to make sure you are a suitable candidate (not "too negative")
-During the process you are not allowed to discuss any issues with the process or express any doubts it will fail.
-you are not allowed tell anyone outside the program how it works.
- it only "works" if you believe in it really really hard, and if it fails it is your fault
If these steps sound familiar, they should, as they are the exact same steps used to indoctrinate people into cults:
Real medical treatments don't require secrecy to function, and don't blame their failures on the patient.