Good locations for low income SSDi ?Environmental Sensitivties


Senior Member
Curious if anyone may know of any affordable housing available in the Us

1)lower in emf
2)Closer to the equator
3)Less wildfires/air pollution
4)Access to docs supportive of one's disability

Its about 850/month in ssdi I receive as California pays 150 of Medicare through state medicaid

I have had challenges in Northern Cal with ecological problems from global warming as welnas high amounts of radio-frequency

I'd rather not be anywhere where 5g may be developed

Mexico would be cheaper and im not sure how bouncing back and forth every 6 months would be looked upon with ssa on an Fmm tourist visa

Thank you


Senior Member
Curious if anyone may know of any affordable housing available in the Us

1)lower in emf
2)Closer to the equator
3)Less wildfires/air pollution
4)Access to docs supportive of one's disability

Its about 850/month in ssdi I receive as California pays 150 of Medicare through state medicaid

I have had challenges in Northern Cal with ecological problems from global warming as welnas high amounts of radio-frequency

I'd rather not be anywhere where 5g may be developed

Mexico would be cheaper and im not sure how bouncing back and forth every 6 months would be looked upon with ssa on an Fmm tourist visa

Thank you
You can go on planet thrive ,a community for environmenral illness and ask Julie Genser,or ask on the forum,or just read the infos on there on housing planet thrive is also on FB.

Since everyone with MCS has different triggers, there is no one-size-fits-all, however the southwest has been a healing area for many with environmental illness due to the arid climate and year-round sunshine. There are several towns in New Mexico and Arizona where those with environmental illness have settled — Santa Fe, NM and Snowflake, AZ being two........(that's what ppl say ,I m not in the US,so i personally don t know)
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Senior Member
Thanks Irat,

I do appreciate it.Im curious im curious of you or anyone here may know if it's permissible to stay in Mexico long term as a us citizen on ssdi or may know of anyone who has done it?


Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I do appreciate it.Im curious im curious of you or anyone here may know if it's permissible to stay in Mexico long term as a us citizen on ssdi

You can only get a six month visa for Mexico...unless you try for permanent resident status. This requires proof of a certain level of ongoing income, I think the amount is more than the disability check would be.

A certain amount of savings, and/or a certain amount of guaranteed income, they might OK it- you must apply from the US.


Senior Member
Yes about 1200 bucks a month incomre seems required which is more than the monthly payment or a savings of 25k.

I have heard people going back and forth across the border and im not sure if this would lead to problems

I have heard some us citizen using a private us address through a mexican agency while staying in Mexico for us doctors and ssa though so that they can get treated in the US.

Though I would like to do it transparently and not run into problems

Appreciate it Mrs Rufous

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I have heard some us citizen using a private us address through a mexican agency while staying in Mexico for us doctors and ssa though so that they can get treated in the US.

Though I would like to do it transparently and not run into problems

its somehow doable, while being also complicated. Agree about being transparent.

We still intend to end up down with our daughter, for 100% logistical reasons (plus, well I love her).

From what I can tell-

the tricky parts are banking, and health care.

Health care seems tied to the state you live in. So now its: your not even living in a state.

The Patriot Act makes it very difficult to bank with out a permanent street address, and proving it.

The scene in the DMV, with me trying to apply for a Real ID....I brought my lease, 14 pages of documents about where do I live. The DMV staff hated this. However, I did end up with the ID, unlike many other people.

Mexico might require Permanent Residents to purchase their medical insurance. This is affordable, rumored to be around $250. But still you may have to have the $250.

In my case, I've paid for years for medical insurance, and none of it would help me in Mexico, unless I just get emergency flown out under some medical emergency- does't sound like a good plan. So I"ll have to spend YET MORE money (for the great medical care we rarely receive any of). Plus for my husband. Twice.

It seems like the federal government does not care that much where American's live. (as long as you pay your taxes, and the Patriot Act Banking).